Prof. Valentina Milenkova - wykłady otwarte

Prof. Valentina Milenkova z South-West University „Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, Bułgaria odwiedzi Instytut Socjologii UMCS w ramach programu Erasmus+ i przeprowadzi dwa wykłady otwarte dla studentów i pracowników.

Educational Achievements, Middle class and Social well-being

Czas i miejsce

16 X 2018 (wtorek) godz. 13.00-14.30, sala 236, WFiS pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 4


The basic issues of the lecture are:

  1. Prosperity in society depends on the increased share of the middle class in social context.
  2. Education is a specific factor for the creation of the middle class.
  3. Education is a prerequisite for individual and social mobility and well-being.

The paper is primarily based on results obtained through the European Social Survey (ESS) under the last rounds.
Findings are: that quality education is not only a function of effort, ambition and persistence, but also of parental involvement, culture capital and family background. Educational achievements are stimulus for middle class expansion because they present investment in social contacts and competition on labor market.

Cultural Specifics of Ethnic Minority in the Context of National Education System

Czas i miejsce

18 X 2018 (czwartek) godz. 13.00-14.30, sala 9, ul. Sowińskiego 12


The lecture deals with some considerations of culturally enrichment the routine process of teaching in mainstream education under Bulgarian context.

Objectives are:

  1. To study opportunities for including culture elements of different ethnic groups as parts of curriculum and extracurricular activities.
  2. To examine the degree to which the different policy programs (especially ESF projects in education) contribute to the process of cultural diversity in education.

Wykłady są otwarte dla wszystkich chętnych.



    Data dodania
    16 października 2018