Ticket purchase

In order to meet your expectations, as of 1 January 2025, UMCS discontinued its flight ticket brokerage services. Therefore, the booking and purchase of flight tickets related to international trips, is done individually by the traveller with any carrier or via a booking portal. If a service for purchasing flight tickets is needed, it is provided by FOREIGN TRAVEL TEAM (Ikar dormitory, room 3, phone no.: +48 (81) 537-52-20, Beata Pruchniak and Eliza Słoboda).

Ticket purchases must adhere to the principles outlined in Regulation No. 69/2022 of the Rector of UMCS regarding business trips of employees, trips of students and doctoral students and non-UMCS personnel (as amended on 23 December 2024). Approval of the relevant applications is required prior to making any purchase. The purchase of a flight ticket should take into account the principles of expediency, economy and effeciency of public expenditure, i.e. choosing the connection with the optimal travel time and the lowest price in economy class.

For more details on the rules for purchasing and billing the ticket, please refer to the Announcement of 2 January 2025 available at the link: https://www.umcs.pl/pl/uchwaly-zarzadzenia-pisma-okolne,2499,zarzadzenie-nr-65-2024-rektora-uniwersytetu-marii-curie-sklodowskiej-w-lublinie-z-dnia-23-grudnia-2024-r-zmieniajace-zarzadzenie-nr-69-2022-w-sprawie-podrozy-sluzbowych-pracownikow-wyjazdow-studentow-i-doktorantow-oraz-osob-niezatrudnionych-na-umcs,159390.chtm

Details of the business trips application procedure are available at: https://www.umcs.pl/pl/procedura-wyjazdu,21279.htm

If you have any questions/doubts, please contact the Director of the Center Olga Pliszczyńska-Mokijewska, phone no. +48 81 537 53 86.