Allowance and settlements

Pursuant to the Regulation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of 25 October 2022, for a business trip aborad, taken at the time and place determined by the employer, an employee is entitled to the followig benefits:

  1. Allowances
  2. Reimbursement of costs:
  • accommodation,
  • travel,
  • travel by local transport,
  • other necessary documented expenses determined or recognised by the employer in accordance with justified needs.

The employee shall be entitled to:

  1. A lump sum to cover travel expenses to and from the railway station, bus station, airport or seaport at the rate of one per diem at the destination abroad and at any other destination abroad where the employee had an overnight stay.
  2. Subsistence allowances in the amount set by the Minister for the destination country of the trip abroad. An employee/doctoral student who is provided with free full board during a trip abroad is entitled to 25% of the subsistence allowance (‘pocket money’).
  3. Reimbursement for overnight stays within the limit set by the regulation to be settled by invoice. If an invoice for an overnight stay is not submitted, the employee is entitled to a lump sum of 25% of the limit.

The amount of foreign allowances is set out in the annex to the aforementioned Ordinance. 

Settlement of the travel by own car is set out in the Recotr’s Ordinance No. 11/2021.

Once the relevant Vice-Rector has made a decision, the International Cooperation Center registers the request in the SAP System.

Allowance and meals provided

In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy of 25 October 2022, the amount of the allowance is reduced by the cost of the meals provided, e.g. as a part of the conference fee, assuming that each meal constitutes respectively: 1) breakfast -15% of the allowance; 2) dinner - 30% of the allowance; 3) supper - 30%  of the allowance. Additionally, when an employee uses a hotel service where meals are provided, the above provisions apply accordingly. Therefore, please reduce the allowances in the applications submitted in accordance with the above regulations.


Advances in foreign currencies and zlotys are to be collected by employees from Pekao SA bank – a branch in the building  of the Rector’s Office of the UMCS, ground floor. It is possible to authorise another member of staff of the university to collect an advance.

If you wish to have the advance paid into your account, it is essential that you submit a REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF ADVANCE TO ACCOUNT together with your application for a business trip abroad.


Please send the following information at upon your return from the trip abroad:

  1. Name and surname of the person departing
  2. Country of departure
  3. Date and hour of departure from Lublin or place of permanent or temporary residence
  4. Date and hour of crossing the Polish border during departure (plane take-off or physical border crossing)
  5. Date and hour of crossing the Polish border on return (plane landing or physical border crossing)
  6. Date and hour of return to Lublin or place of permanent or temporary residence
  7. Statement about the meals provided and the expenses incurred, together with scans of tickets and invoices, bills issued to the UMCS (appendix no. 4 Rector’s Decree 69/2022)
  8. In the case of the use of a private car – a scanned page of the ‘car book’ with the entry concerning the trip and the approval of the authorising officer (consent to use a car should be provided already at the stage of trip registration at the International Cooperation Center)
  9. Additional information necessary for proper settlement of the trip
  10. In the subject line of your e-mail please write – settlement of the trip abroad

NOTE! Original invoices, bills, tickets remain with you.

After settlement by an employee of the Finance Team, you will receive a settlement for acceptance electronically in the SAP TRAVEL system. Business trips abroad do not require printing and obtaining signatures.

NOTE! Students and doctoral students will still be requested to send original documents together with a hand-signed settlement.

The invoice must be issued to the University address:

VAT/NIP: PL 712 010 36 92

In case of any questions/doubts, please call us:

Beata Pruchniak and Eliza Słoboda
Foreign Travel Team
Rector’s Office, IKAR dormitory, room 3, ground floor
phone no. +48 81 537 52 20