Staff departure procedure

Departure procedure and application

When planning your trip, please familiarise yourself with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland updated information. Approval for business trips is done electronically, there is an application for a foreign business trip that has to be submitted:

  • in paper form at the International Cooperation Center, IKAR dormitory, room 3, ground floor, phone no. +48 81 537 52 20
  • electronically at:

When filling in the application, please enter information on the AGREEMENT under which the trip takes place (if applicable). There is space for this in the application below the line "purpose of the trip". This enables correct reporting to the Ministry.



The above changes only apply to those listed in the SAP system. Contractors in grants, students and doctoral students shall submit their applications (according to the template below) in paper form: 


The application should include precise information on:

  • the purpose and date of the trip, 
  • the source of funding for the stay,
  • the estimated cost of the trip, in accordance with the regulations contained in the following internal acts of the UMCS. Annexes to the application should also include information whether the inviting party covers (partially or fully) the cost of the stay, accommodation and travel.

Annexes to the application:

  • a photocopy of the invitation confirming its acceptance by the foreign university,
  • people going to conferences or symposia are requested to enclose with their application a document certyfying their active participation (presentation of a paper, poster, participation in the organising committee).

We kindly inform that the application should be submitted at least 14 days before the planned departure or the date of payment of additional fees, e.g. the conference fee. 

Additional fees (e.g. the conference fee)

In the case of additional fees, a PREPAYMENT APPLICATION must be also completed.

International trip and sabbatical leave

If an academic staff member does not apply for funding for an international trip from the funds at the disposal of the UMCS or under a grant implemented on the basis of an agreement to which the UMCS is a party, and the trip is longer than two weeks, a request for a paid leave should be submitted on the basis of Article 130 point 3 of The Law on Higher Education of 20 July 2018.

A paid leave is granted by the Rector at the employee’s request after obtaining the opinion of the faculty council, and in the case of employees of non-core units, after obtaining the opinion of the head of the relevant organisational unit (in accordance with section 113 of the Statutes of the UMCS). In that case, you do not apply for an international business trip. More information on a paid study leave is available here or at the Human Resources and Payroll Centre (Centrum Kadrowo-Płacowe).