General information

What do we do?

The International Cooperation Center supports UMCS researchers in obtaining funds and carrying out research in international cooperation.

We help you find a suitable source of funding for international research, handle the conclusion of international agreements, provide consultation in applying for and support the implementation of international research projects, as well as carry out activities in the field broadly referred to as the internationalization of the University.

The Foreign Travel Team, operating within the structure of the Center, handles business trips abroad of University employees, students and doctoral students, as well as arrivals of foreign guests, including foreign delegations of University authorities.

In addition, we run a Welcome Center for research staff from abroad, assisting in the organization of their arrival and stay at UMCS within the framework of the Research in Lublin program, among other things. We cordially invite all those interested in the internationalization of scientific activity to cooperate with us.

Database of competitions, trainings, partners and projects 

We operate the portal at your disposal, where we collect information on:

 open competitions for the implementation of international research projects,

  • current trainings,
  • partners,
  • good practices and winners of grants at UMCS,
  • legal regulations.

Feel free to visit the page!