Rector's Announcement Regarding the increase of base remuneration

Below you can find the translation of the Rector's Announcement Regarding the increase of base remuneration (original document signed in Polish).

Rector’s Announcement dated March 14, 2025, regarding the principles for increasing the basic renumeration of employees of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, starting from January 1, 2025.

Following the consideration of the stances of trade unions operating at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, in accordance with Article 26, point 2 of the Act of May 23, 1991, on Trade Unions (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2022, item 854, as amended)

§ 1

  1. The financial resources allocated for the increase in the subsidy for 2025, in accordance with the announcement of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of February 25, 2025, will be used to increase the gross basic salaries, with remedation from January 1, 2025, for employees of the University.
  2. The increase in basic salaries, as mentioned in paragraph 1, will average 5% based on the salary execution in 2023 (according to the budget report Rb-70 for Q4 2023).
  3. The increase in basic salaries applies to employees who, on March 14, 2025, are employees of the University and were also employed by the University on December 31, 2024.
  4. The increase in basic salaries mentioned in paragraph 1 for employees working part-time will be proportional to the employment rate.

§ 2

The increase in basic salaries does not apply to University employees:

  1. whose salaries are paid from sources other than the subsidy referred to in § 1, paragraph 1;
  2. who received an adjustment to the minimum wage of PLN 366 gross per full-time equivalent, due to the increase in the minimum wage from January 1, 2025, to PLN 4,666 gross;
  3. who received an adjustment to the minimum wage equal to or higher than the amount of the salary increase corresponding to the given position, as mentioned in §§ 3 and 4, in relation to the increase in the minimum wage from January 1, 2025.

§ 3

The increase in basic salaries for academic teachers will depend on the position held within the employee group and will amount to the following gross monthly amounts:

  • Professor (prof.): PLN 460.00
  • University Professor (prof.): PLN 380.00
  • Associate Professor with the degree of Doctor Habilitatus (dr hab.): PLN 360.00
  • Associate Professor (adiunkt): PLN 350.00
  • Assistant (asystent): PLN 260.00
  • Senior Lecturer (starszy wykładowca): PLN 260.00
  • Lecturer (wykładowca): PLN 260.00
  • Instructor (instruktor): PLN 260.00
  • Language Instructor (lektor): PLN 260.00

§ 4

The increase in basic salaries for employees who are not academic teachers will depend on the position held and will amount to the following gross monthly amounts:

PLN 270.00:

  • Senior Certified Curator (starszy kustosz dyplomowany) 

PLN 260.00:

  • Chief Specialist
  • Internal Auditor
  • Legal Advisor
  • Patent Attorney
  • Certified Curator

(główny specjalista
audytor wewnętrzny
radca prawny
rzecznik patentowy)

PLN 250.00:

  • Senior Specialist:
  • Senior Inspector for Health and Safety
  • Senior Inspector for Investor Supervision
  • Senior Editor

(st. inspektor ds. bezp. i higieny pracy
starszy inspektor nadzoru inwestorskiego
starszy redaktor)

PLN 230.00:

  • Specialist
  • Inspector for Health and Safety
  • Fire Protection Inspector
  • Investor Supervision Inspector
  • Curator
  • Computer Equipment Operator
  • Independent Work Position
  • Senior Librarian
  • Senior Documentalist
  • Senior Bookseller
  • Senior Documentary Technician 

inspektor ds. bezp. i higieny pracy
inspektor ds. ochrony przeciwpożarowej
inspektor nadzoru inwestorskiego
operator składu komputerowego
samodzielne stanowisko pracy
starszy bibliotekarz
starszy dokumentalista
starszy księgarz
starszy technik dokumentalista)

 PLN 220.00:

  • Independent Referent
  • Librarian
  • Book Conservator
  • Independent Technician
  • Senior Library Warehouseman 

(samodzielny referent
konserwator książki
samodzielny technik
starszy magazynier biblioteczny)

 PLN 210.00:

  • Senior Referent
  • Senior Master

(starszy referent
starszy mistrz)

 PLN 200.00:

  • Library Warehouseman:
  • Model
  • Auxiliary Administrative Worker
  • Referent
  • Technician
  • Editor
  • Tuner
  • Driver
  • Car Driver
  • Conservator
  • Gardener
  • Laboratory Assistant
  • Maintenance Worker
  • Garden Worker
  • Maintenance Worker (employed by P.P.C.)
  • Skilled Worker
  • Craftsman
  • Independent Garden Worker
  • Property Protection Guard 

(magazynier biblioteczny
pomocniczy pracownik administracji
kierowca samochodu osobowego
pomoc laboratoryjna
pracownik gospodarczy
pracownik ogrodu
robotnik gospodarczy zatrudniony p.p.c.
robotnik wykwalifikowany
samodzielny pracownik ogrodu
strażnik ochrony mienia)

§ 5

Employees who received an adjustment to the minimum wage in an amount lower than that specified in § 3 and 4 for a given position will receive an increase in their basic salaries by the amount representing the difference between the salary increase mentioned in § 3 and 4 of the announcement and the amount of the adjustment to the minimum wage resulting from the increase in the minimum wage from January 1, 2025.

§ 6

This announcement shall come into force on the date of its signing.

Link to the signed document by Rector of UMCS


Date of addition
18 March 2025