For academic teachers

If you are an academic teacher employed at UMCS:

bank account number: 14 1140 1094 0000 2905 1600 1035

  • transfer title: ELSNA Name and Surname, Name of the Faculty
  • Send in electronic form (from your e-mail address in domain) to: the following files:

a) Scanned application form;
b) photograph (requirements available below);
c) (optional) confirmation of payment.

  • Wait 5 days until the card will be prepared, Collect the card at your faculty’s administration office.

Replacement / duplicate of the card is possible when:

  • You lost our card or yours card is stolen,
  • There is incorrect data printed on the card,
  • Your card is battered (damaged),
  • You changed your personal data or the address,
  • Your photograph is no longer valid.

To obtain a duplicate card:

  • Please sende You need to send (in electronic form) from your e-mail address in domain to the HR Department at: application for replacement /duplicate card with photo.*
  • Make a payment of 33 PLN:

bank account number : 14 1140 1094 0000 2905 1600 1035
transfer title: ELSNA Name and Surname, Name of the Faculty

* when the previous photograph is correct and meets the requirements we can use it again in the duplicate.

Duplicate is ready to be collected 5 days after submission of the application if all requirements are met.

No ID card after 5 days:

Please e-mail us if you have not received your card after 5 days and when all conditions are met:

  • The payment was issued to the correct bank account number (please take into consideration the time the payment is posted),
  • The photograph was sent (please check if the photo was uploaded correctly),
  • Application form was sent.

Academic staff: a payment has been made and all required documents have been sent (see: procedure)

If the above conditions are met, please fill-in the questionnaire. Your answers will be sent to a LUBMAN employee who will contact you at the e-mail address provided.

Questionnaire: duplicate/exchange the card


The photo required for the academic staff electronic ID card should meet same requirements as for the ID card:

  • the person is presented in the frontal position, without headgear and glasses,
  • a plain and light background,
  • good focus and natural colours,
  • photo shows the image from the top of the head to the top of the shoulders, so that the face covers 70-80% of the photo
  • the eyes are clearly visible, especially pupils,
  • photo size: 500 x 625 pixels,
  • file saved in JPG format,
  • photo file size up to 50 kilobytes.

The file name should consist of the personal number only. 


A person with congenital or acquired visual impairment may attach to the application a photograph showing him/her wearing glasses with dark lenses, together with a certificate of disability of a person under 16 years of age or a certificate of the degree of disability of a person over 16 years with his/her congenital or acquired eye defects, issued in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 27 August 1997 on vocational and social rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons (Journal of Laws of 2008, No. 14, item 92, as amended).

In the case of a person wearing a headgear, in accordance with the rules of his/her religion, a photograph showing him/her in the headgear may be attached, provided that the image of the face is fully visible, along with a certificate of affiliation with a religious community registered in the Republic of Poland. The basis for recognizing a photo headgear or dark glasses may also be a photocopy of an ID card with such a photo attached to the application.

See examples of correct and incorrect photos on the website: