International MSc Programmes - University of Eastern Finland (UEF)

Department of Applied Physics, located at the Kuopio Campus of the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), offers two Master's degree programmes in English.

Department of Applied Physics is located at the Kuopio Campus of the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and offers two Master's degree programmes in English. Prerequisites for the both programmes are a university-level Bachelor's (B.Sc.) degree or equivalent on a suitable field of science, and a good command of academic English.

There are no tuition fees for the programmes. Half-year scholarships for best students are available (560 euros/month). More information in admission requirements.

Application period starts December 2nd, 2013 and ends on January 7th, 2014

Nordic Master's Degree Programme in Atmosphere-Biosphere Studies (ABS) is organised jointly by a pool of universities in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, and Sweden. It is based on the high-quality research carried out at the programme sites, including several national, Nordic and European level centres of excellence and research networks. Two main lines of study in the programme are atmospheric sciences and biogeochemical cycles. A special emphasis is given on interactions between atmosphere and ecosystems. Applicants should have background in physics, environmental chemistry, environmental biology or in some related field, and broad studies in mathematics and natural sciences in general are an advantage. For year 2014, the entrance quota for the ABS programme at UEF is ten (10) students. The programme includes an exchange period in another university belonging to the same programme, and grants are provided to cover extra costs due to this exchange.

For further information, please see

Master's Degree Programme in Computational Biomedical Engineering (CBM) is based on the internationally recognised high-level research in computational and medical physics at the Department of Applied Physics, ranging from computational inverse problems to clinical medical physics and novel biomaterial technology. All students learn the same basic courses on the subject, and can freely direct their studies into computational or biomedical engineering. Applicants should have background in physics and mathematics, including at least basic studies in both subjects. Other fields supporting Master's degree studies are computer programming and human biology. For year 2014, the entrance quota for the CBM programme is fifteen (15) students.

Admission requirements

Admission will be based on grades of the B.Sc. degree, amount of earlier studies in fields supporting the ABS/CBM programme, other possible studies, and on work experience and scientific merits on the area of studies (publications, patents, teaching experience, etc.).      

Admission will be based on following documents:

1. Official and duly filled and signed application form

2. Certified true copy of the latest degree certificate, and if necessary, an English translation provided by an authorized translator.

3. Certified true copy of course transcript, and if necessary, an English translation provided by an authorized translator. The transcript must include amount of credits, grading, and date of each study unit, and also the scale of grading used by the university.

4. A short (max. 1 500 words) "Letter of Motivation", stating why the applicant is interested to study in the ABS/CBM programme in Kuopio.

5. Certificate of English language proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS or PTE), or a certified true copy of a   degree certificate attesting the required language proficiency (if not the same as in 2.). Required results are

  • TOEFL: 580 points from the paper-based test (pBT) (min. 4.0 in writing) or 90 points from the internet-based test (iBT) (min. 22 points in writing)
  • IELTS: overall score 6.5 (min. 5.5 in writing)
  • PTE: score 59.
  • Also English as A1 language as part of International Baccalaureate examination with minimum grade 2 is accepted as a proof of proficiency in English.

6. Curriculum vitae, including statements concerning previous work experience, scientific achievements, other degrees taken, and possible exchange studies and other international experience.

7. Recommendations from two referees. The referees must be academics (teachers or supervisors) from the university where the applicant has studied. Recommendation letters must arrive at the University of Eastern Finland in sealed envelopes with contact information of the referee.

8. There are some country-specific requirements.

All applications must be submitted via University Admissions Finland -portal.

Half-year scholarships (560 €/month starting from January 2014) are available to the best students. For new students, the scholarships will be offered to the best 50% of students, based on success in previous studies, who have been selected and have accepted the offered study place. After this, half-year scholarships will be awarded based on progress in studies. Students who are eligible from the Finnish student support from KELA are not considered for these scholarships.

For further information please contact programme coordinators via  and

More info


    Artur Markowski
    Data dodania
    16 grudnia 2013