What is Chatka Żaka?

WHAT IS CHATKA ŻAKA? Chatka Żaka is Student Culture! This is an iconic institution on the map of Lublin that has been supporting  students  in  their  creative  endeavours  for  nearly 60 years, promoting and popularising their achievements.

Fancy  having  a  blast  with  friends  at  a  concert,  relax  playing  board  games,  or  organise  your  very  own project? That’s a match! Something is happening almost every day at the Academic  Centre  for  Culture  and  Media! 

Our  activity is divided into 6 programme Lines. Have fun and experiment with MOVEMENT, SOUND, FRAME, WORD,  LIFESTYLE,  and  VISUAL  ART.  Take  part  in recurring, mostly free workshops, film screenings,  your  friends’  exhibitions,  performances  by  student  groups,  circus  shows,  or  concerts  by  the  biggest stars. Make your way to the Siema Żaki concert on October 3rd and stick around for Wolna Chatka (October 4-5th!). We’ll show you how to make the most of your uni years at Chatka Żaka.

Moreover, visit our flagship festivals, such as the Przez Świat. Spotkania z podróżą - travel  festival (April), Studencka  Wiosna  Teatralna -  theatre  festival (May), Retrospekcje -  retro  festival  (November), Bakcynalia -  tourist  and  student  song  festival  (November), or Mikołajki Folkowe -  folk  music  festival (December), and drop in for the presentations of scholarship projects!

Got an idea for an activity?  Carry  out  your  project  as  part  of  the  Student  Culture  Space. We also have the Academic Radio Centrum and TV UMCS, where you’ll have the opportunity to enhance your journalistic skills, host your own show, or produce your first report. Intrigued?  Check  out  what’s  on  the  next  pages  and design yourself at Chatka Żaka!

"They say that university is the best time of your life. After all, you have freedom, independence... to be able to decide on your own future. But what if the future is all about navigating a dark path without signposts yet full of hidden traps of social expectations? Where can you find the key to your needs and possibilities in this intricate world of others, in which we live?

Dear students, I will not give you a readymade recipe. Even though I completed my studies more than a dozen years ago, I still find it challenging to untangle the knots of our complex reality. However, I can and I want to suggest you a path that I chose many years ago, and it’s called CULTURE.

What can immersing yourself in the world of STUDENT CULTURE during your university years give you?

Let’s start with a sense of agency. In recent times, this popular term is a reflection of actions within the scope of a broad definition of art and culture in the context of other people as well as ourselves. Individuality and collectivity intertwine here organically. There are no cultural activities that do not impact others. Thus, we are sometimes recipients and sometimes creators of thoughts, messages, needs, or expectations. We help fellow participants understand the complexity of the world around us while simultaneously unrav-eling its mysteries ourselves.

In THEATRE, FILM, DANCE, or MUSIC, we learn to be together, or just alongside each other, but in tolerance towards our different needs and choices. In VISUAL ARTS, we discover new areas of interest while experiencing our reactions to surprising and extreme situations. Through interaction with culture and art, we shape our humanity in the society that surrounds us. That is quite a lot, isn’t it? Dear students, I cordially invite you to our Chatka Żaka, which will soon celebrate its 60th foundation anniversary at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. I believe that our Patron would be more than pleased with the thousands of students who, for decades, have shaped themselves through STUDENT CULTURE. This academic year, we are waiting for you!

And remember, as Goethe used to say, “everything is hard before it is easy."

Izabela Pastuszko, Director of the UMCS Academic Centre for Culture and Media Chatka Żaka