The Student Culture Forum

The Student Culture Forum is a nationwide project aimed at revitalising and researching student culture in Poland. The project is implemented by the Academic Centre for Culture and Media of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Chatka Żaka.

Since 2019, in collaboration with 13 other academic units, we have been tirelessly working to provide students with opportunities for developing their creative activities, devising guidelines for nationwide programmes supporting the development of student culture traditions and academic cultural centres in Poland. We integrated student culture units from across the country, organising artistic events in each of them, that were performed by students from different cities. The culmination of this year’s activities within the Forum will be the Student Opportunities Fair. This event aims to showcase the creative work of young individuals aged 18-26 in the form of portfolios for their future employers. We facilitate young artists’ first professional steps in the cultural sector. Visit our website to see what we have achieved so far.

The project is implemented by, among other things, identifying the needs of students and the conditions necessary for the development of their creative activity, developing guidelines for nationwide programmes supporting the development of the tradition of student culture and academic cultural centres, and through an internet portal networking these units. We want the cooperation we build to result in recommendations that form the basis for the support and further development of student culture in Poland.

A key part of our project was the National Student Culture Forum organised at ACKiM UMCS Chatka Żaka on 20-22 October 2021, which presented an in-depth analysis of the phenomenon of student culture in the realities of the 21st century. More information about the event can be found here. The initiative will ultimately be a cyclical activity, continuously monitoring the directions of student culture in Poland.

The originator of the project is Izabela Pastuszko, Director of ACKiM UMCS Chatka Żaka and plenipotentiary of the Rector for the Student Culture Forum.

→ Folder of Student Culture Forum 

☎ 81 533 32 01 ext. 130
National Student Culture Forum on Facebook

Supported by the programme ‘Social Responsibility of Science’ of the Minister of Science and Higher Education.