
TRC - Temporary Residence Card

Temporary Residence Card (TRC) is a document that validates your stay in Poland. You can apply for it if you plan to stay in Poland for more than three months. The temporary residence permit is granted for the maximum of three years.

NOTE: We recommend that you apply for your first TRC within the first month of your stay in Poland. Thanks to that, you may receive  TRC before your visa expires and you shall maintain the continuity of your legal stay in Poland.


Who can apply?
You can apply for the card if you are:

  • first-cycle, Bachelor’s degree student
  • second-cycle, Master’s degree student
  • long-cycle, Master’s degree student
  • third-cycle, Doctoral studies
  • student participating in the preparatory course


Where to apply?
Lublin Voievodship Office, Department for Foreigners, Lublin, Czechowska 15 Street, ground floor
Lubelski Urząd Wojewódzki w Lublinie, Wydział Spraw Obywatelskich i Cudzoziemców, Lublin, ul. Czechowska 15, parter


What are the fees?
Stamp fee – PLN 340
Paid to: Urząd Miasta Lublin, Wydział Podatków (Lublin City Hall, Department of Taxes)
Account no.: 95 1240 2092 9329 9200 0620 0000
Payment title: opłata za wydanie zezwolenia na pobyt czasowy

Card fee – PLN 50
Paid to: Lubelski Urząd Wojewódzki w Lublinie, Biuro Organizacji, Kadr i Budżetu (Lublin Voievodship Office, Department for Organisations, Presonnel, and the Budget)
Account no.: 67 1010 1339 0055 0022 3100 0000
Payment title: opłata za wydanie karty pobytu


How to apply?
You have to submit the application in person, no later than the day before the expiration of your visa or previous temporary residence permit.
Upon application, your finger prints are taken.
If your application is submitted by a proxy, or sent via the Post Office, you will be summoned to the Department for Foreigners within 7 days of your application being delivered. 


What documents do you need to submit?

Crucial documents:

1.Filled-in application form
2. 4 passport photos
3. Copy of ALL pages of your passport

Additional documents (that may be submitted later):

1. Confirmation of the student status (to be obtained at the Dean’s Office)

2. Payment confirmation – if you study on a fee-paying basis (to be obtained at the International Student Office)

3. Documents confirming that you are a holder of health insurance in the meaning of the Act of 27 August 2004 on healthcare services financed from public funds or confirmation of covering the costs of treatment at the territory of the Republic of Poland by the insurer; - or any other insurance policy valid on Polish territory (if your insurance policy was bought abroad, e.g. in your country of origin, it must be translated into Polish by a sworn translator)

4. Documents confirming that you have sufficient funds to cover the costs of stay in Poland and tuition fees, and return to the country of origin or residence or costs of transit to a third country granting the entry permit, e.g.

  • travel vouchers;
  • bank statement;
  • confirmation of credit card limit;
  • information on received student grants
  • employment certificate with information about the income.

The funds are calculated as following:

  • for the costs of stay: PLN 776 for a person living alone or PLN 600 per person for persons living in a family
  • for the return to the country of origin or residency: PLN 200 for the neighbouring country; PLN 500 for other EU countries that are not neighbouring countries; PLN 2500 for any other country

5. Rental agreement or confirmation of accommodation in the student residence hall (to be obtained from the dormitory manager)


List of attachments (in the application form, put it only in Polish)

  1. 4 fotografie paszportowe - 4 passport photos
  2. Kserokopia paszportu - copy of passport
  3. Zaświadczenie o statusie studenta - confirmation of the student status
  4. Zaświadczenie o dokonaniu opłaty za studia - tuition-fee payment confirmation
  5. Dokumenty poświadczające posiadanie ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego - documents confirming being a holder of health insurance OR polisa ubezpieczeniowa - insurance policy
  6. Czek podróżny - travel voucher OR wyciąg z konta bankowego - bank statement OR informacja o limicie na karcie kredytowej - confirmation of credit card limit OR zaświadczenie o pobieraniu stypendium dla studentów - information on received student grants OR zaświadczenie o zatrudnieniu i wysokości zarobków - employment certificate with information about the income
  7. Umowa najmu lokalu mieszalnego - rental agreement OR zaświadczenie o zamieszkaniu w domu studenckim - confirmation of accommodation in the student residence hall
  8. Potwierdzenie uiszczenia opłaty skarbowej w wysokości 340 złotych - confirmation of payment of the PLN 340 stamp fee

In case of questions, please contact International Student Office.