
Residence registration and obtaining PESEL number

Residence registration and obtaining PESEL number

Within few days of entry to Poland and moving into a place of residence in Lublin (it could be a dormitory or a private flat) foreign students have to register at the Lublin City Office (Residents’ Service Centre). Each person that registers their stay in Poland for more than 30 days, automatically obtains the PESEL number.

PESEL is a Polish acronym for Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population. It is a 11-digit number that includes your birth date. It may be useful if you want to create a bank account, sign a contract for a health insurance, or go to the doctor’s.

Where to register?

Residents’ Service Centre, Foreigners’ Service Point
(in Polish: Biuro Obsługi Mieszkańców, Punkt Obsługi Cudzoziemców)
20-071 Lublin
ul. Wieniawska 14 (1st floor)
phone: +48 81 466 1009

Office hours:
Monday: 7:45 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Tuesday to Friday: 7:15 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.

You may receive information in Polish, English and Ukrainian

Documents required

  • Registration Form (it should be completed and signed by the student and then by the dormitory manager. If a room or a flat is rented instead, the rental agreement is required as well),
  • valid ID card or passport,
  • document authorizing you to stay in Poland legally(a visa, a residence permit card, a decision of residence permit for a specified period of time).
  • Sometimes a student may be asked for other additional documents (a certificate of the student status at UMCS or a birth certificate).

For more information see: