Limits and dates of the admission

ZARZĄDZENIE Nr 41/2024 Rektora Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie
z dnia 26 czerwca 2024 r. w sprawie limitów przyjęć
do Szkoły Doktorskiej Nauk Ścisłych i Przyrodniczych w roku akademickim 2024/2025

The limit of admission to the Doctoral School of Quantitative and Natural Sciences for the academic year 2024/25 is 25 places, including:

1) admission limit not related to the implementation of the research projects financed from external sources - 14 places, including 3 place for doctoral students planning to prepare a doctoral dissertation in the scientific discipline of agriculture and horticulture, and 2 places for the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Science,

2) admission limit related to the implementation of research projects financed from external sources - 11 places.

Recruitment to the Doctoral School of Quantitative and Natural Sciences in the academic year 2024/2025 will take place according to the following schedule:

June 16, 2024 - opening of the Online Application System (OAS) for the Candidates;

August 23, 2024 - last day of the registration through OAS and acceptance of the Candidates' documents at the Doctoral School's Office ul. Weteranów 18, 20-038 Lublin. The Doctoral Schools' Office must receive the documents sent by the post office no later than August 23, 2024;

Documents submitted in person are accepted from Mon until Thu during office hours.

August 29, 2024 - the meeting of the Recruitment Committee to organize the recruitment process within the disciplines

Interviews with the Candidates in the following disciplines:

September 2, 2024 - Agriculture and Horticulture

September 3, 2024 - Biological Sciences

September 4, 2024 - Biological Sciences

September 5, 2024  - Sciences Connected with The Earth and The Environment ( Earth and Environmental Sciences ); Information and Communication Technology

September 6, 2024  - Physical Sciences

September 9, 2024  - Chemical Sciences

September 10, 2024 - Chemical Sciences

September 12, 2024 - The Recruitment Committee meets to prepare a summary protocol, the attachment of which is the ranking list of Candidates in the recruitment procedure, together with a recommendation or refusal to recommend a given Candidate for admission to the doctoral school.