The recruitment procedure includes:
1) an interview concerning topics consistent with the academic discipline declared by the Candidate in which they intend to prepare a doctoral dissertation and the topics selected by the Candidate from the research topics included in the announcement about recruitment to the Doctoral School. The Candidate may submit their research subject if it is at least partially consistent with the areas of research conducted in the University units responsible for scientific disciplines: biological sciences, chemical sciences, physical sciences, Earth and environmental sciences, information and communication technology, or IA PAN and IUNG-PIB, responsible for agriculture and horticulture disciplines or IKiFP PAN, responsible for chemistry disciplines. The Candidate presents a short, maximum 15-minute multimedia presentation during the interview in PowerPoint or PDF format and contains a description of the Candidate's profile together with scientific achievements, motivation to study at the Doctoral School and selection of research topics, and the innovative nature of the proposed research against the current state of knowledge in a given field. The Candidate should provide the printout of the presentation along with the documents referred to in § 2 para. 4 of the resolution on the recruitment to the Doctoral School of Quantitative and Natural Sciences. For candidates from abroad who cannot attend the interview conducted at the University headquarters, the interview can be done using an instant messenger. In this case, the Candidate must send the presentation in electronic form in advance;
2) evaluation of the achievements declared by the Candidate. The Candidate will present a maximum of three most important, in their opinion, (documented) achievements related to the scientific discipline in which they intend to prepare a doctoral dissertation. The Candidate may provide the following achievements:
a) scientific articles published in the journals on the current list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW);
b) peer-reviewed scientific articles published in journals not included in the current journal list of MNiSW;
c) monographs and chapters in monographs in publications included in the current list of MNiSW;
d) participation in an international or national research project;
e) participation in an international or national research internship not covered by the study program;
f) exchange under the Erasmus program;
g) presentation of a paper by the Candidate at an international or national scientific conference,
h) authorship or co-authorship of a poster at an international or national scientific conference,
i) active participation or co-organization of events popularizing science.
2. The maximum number of points obtained during the interview will be 70. During the interview, the following will be assessed:
a) knowledge of the discipline in which the Candidate intends to prepare a doctoral dissertation and topics selected by the Candidate from among the research topics included in the announcement about the recruitment to the Doctoral School or their research subject that meets the requirements in paragraph 1 point 1. The Candidate may receive a maximum of 40 points;
b) quality and substantive value of the presentation, for which the Candidate may receive a maximum of 20 points;
c) ability to use English at a communicative level, for which the Candidate may receive a maximum of 10 points;
3. The Candidate may receive a maximum of 30 points for assessing their achievements, with the proviso that the score for a single achievement is:
1) scientific articles published in journals on the current list of MNiSW in disciplines in which the Doctoral School of Quantitative and Natural Sciences is run with the assigned number of points from 100 to 200 per magazine - 10 points, with the assigned number of points from 20 to 70 per journal - 7 points;
2) peer-reviewed scientific articles published in journals not included in the current list of MNiSW - 4 points;
3) monographs and chapters in a monograph published in publications included the current list of MNiSW - 5 points;
4) participation in an international research project - 7 points;
5) participation in a national research project - 5 points,
6) participation in an international research internship not covered by the study program - under 30 days - 5 points, 30 days, and more - 10 points;
7) participation in a national research internship not covered by the study program - less than 30 days - 4 points, 30 days, and more - 7 points;
8) exchange under the Erasmus program - 5 points;
9) delivering a paper by the Candidate at an international scientific conference - 7 points. (plus 1 point for a distinguished speech);
10) delivering a paper by the Candidate at a national scientific conference - 4 points. (plus 1 point for a distinguished speech);
11) presentation of the poster at a national or international scientific conference - 5 points (plus 1 point for a distinguished poster);
12) co-authorship of a paper or poster at a national or international scientific conference presented by another person - 3 points;
13) active participation or co-organization of events popularizing science – 3 points, regardless of the number of submitted activities ( for evaluation by the Committee);
14) other achievements (including awards and distinctions) related to scientific disciplines in which education at the Doctoral School is conducted – 5 points max (to be assessed by the Committee).
4. The maximum number of points obtainable by the Candidate during the recruitment procedure is 100 points.
5. The candidates who obtained at least 40 points from the interview are included in a ranking list within the given admission limit. The total number of points obtained determines the Candidate's place on the ranking list.