During the session held on September 28th 2022, the Senate of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University adopted the Gender Equality Plan (Resolution No. 25 – 19.27/22 of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Senate of September 28th 2022 on implementation of the Gender Equality Plan).
The work on the Gender Equality Plan began in March 2022, when the Gender Equality Team at the UMCS was appointed, composed of the following members:
Since its appointment the Team has held sessions cyclically via MS Teams platform. In the first phase of the Gender Equality Plan’s preparation (the assessment phase), persons engaged in substantial work determined what type of data will be necessary for establishing a Plan most appropriate for University’s needs.
The data focuses around 5 areas:
1) Management bodies and decision making bodies,
2) Gender equality in the recruitment and career development process,
3) Integration of work and personal life,
4) Gender equality in curricula and research,
5) Activities undertaken by UMCS bodies to promote gender equality.
After a thorough analysis of the gathered data and discussions of the members of the Team on the topic, a list of recommended activities pertaining to the aforementioned areas was drawn up.
The work on the Plan was concluded in September this year. We encourage you to read the document below: