Equality Team

By the decision of His Magnificence Rector of UMCS prof. dr hab. Radosław Dobrowolski, the Equality Team has been appointed at the University of Maria Curie–Skłodowska.

The Team Leader is dr Agnieszka Ziętek from the Public Administration Department of The UMCS Faculty of Law and Administration.

The Team ‘s aim is, among other things, to implement the Gender Equality Plan adopted by the UMCS Senate in September 2022.

Team Members


Dr Agnieszka Ziętek – Team Leader

Lecturer in the Public Administration Department of the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism. Her scientific interests include sociology and political philosophy, particularly participatory governance, devolution of decision-making processes, civic culture and social movements. She conducts research on civic engagement, civil society, equality and antidiscrimination policy  and diversity management. Participant of various courses and seminars in those fields (organized by i.a. the Polish Society of Anti-Discrimination Law, the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and the Stefan Batory Foundation) and anti-discrimination educator (about 1000 hours of trainings conducted).

Manager of substantive work over the preparation of the Gender Equality Plan at UMCS.

Fot. Bartosz Proll 

Mgr Krystian Kamiński


PhD candidate at the Doctoral School of Humanities and Arts at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS), specializing in linguistics. His research focuses on sign languages, language acquisition by Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals, and equitable aspects of cultural accessibility. He is the author of academic and popular science articles on inclusivity in culture, accessibility of contemporary art, allyship in cultural institutions, and language education for Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. As a member of the Open Network of Cultural People under the Reagujemy! initiative, he actively works towards interculturalism and inclusivity. He participated in the 11th edition of the Museum Think Tank ‘New Diversities’ and conducts training sessions on inclusive language, promoting openness and equality in science, education, and culture.



Dr hab. Barbara Tomczyk

Assistant Professor in the Cognitive Science and Logic Department at the Institute of Philosophy. Her scientific research focuses on the analysis of the influence of social and cultural determinants on human’s cognitive processes and decision-making. Author of many publications on the topic. In her research, she stresses that among social factors influencing one’s feelings of personhood and agency, the perception of their own gender identity plays a vital role. Participant of many trainings and seminars on mobbing prevention in the workplace, gender equality planning on Polish universities, and preventing different types of discrimination – not only gender related, but also exclusions connected with disabilities.

Member of the Team working on the Gender Equality Plan at UMCS.

Fot. Bartosz Proll

Mgr Urszula Wojtczak-Kokoszkiewicz

Coordinator in the Office for the Analysis of Education Quality Assurance at the Centre for Education and Study Services. Responsible for the evaluation of the education process, including organization and conduction of research on education quality assurance and  support for teaching units in preparation for national and international accreditations. Involved in arrangement and realization of various educational and IT projects related to supporting the education process. Participant of many workshops and trainings in quantitative and qualitative research, data visualization and project management (Agile PM Foundation certification). She has completed a basic level course of PJM (Polish Sign Language). In addition, she took part in the preparatory work leading to the University obtaining the HR Excellence in Research award.

Member of the Professional Development Assistance Team and the Team working on the Gender Equality Plan at UMCS.

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