Courses in English 2025-2026

planned at the Faculty of Economics of MCSU in the academic year 2025/2026
Course Lecturer  Hours ECTS
AI and Business Automation dr M.Mosbah 15 3
Analysis of the Contemporary Development Problems Using Economic and Social Indicators dr hab. P. Kozarzewski, prof. UMCS 30 6
Applied Economics Real-World Challenges and Solutions dr J. Czerniak, prof. UMCS 30 6
Business Analytics for Financial Decisions dr hab. M. Kicia, prof. UMCS 30 6
Business plan dr hab. E. Bukalska, prof. UMCS  15 3
Business process management dr G. Grela 15 3
Customer Experience Management dr M. Pawłowski 30 6
Data Analytics in Business dr M. Mosbah 30 6
Economic Psychology dr J. Śmiechowicz 15 3
Economics of Innovation dr A. Matras-Bolibok 15 3
ESG reporting in financial sector dr L. Klapkiv 15 3
Financing Innovation dr A. Matras-Bolibok  15 3
International Competitiveness dr A. Budzyńska 15 3
International Economics prof. P. Pasierbiak 30 6
International organizations in the world economy dr M. Wojtas  15 3
Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships in Workplace dr A. Karasek 30 6
IT Project Management dr M. Mosbah  15 3
Marketing Data Analytics dr M. Mosbah 15 3
Microeconomics dr A. Matras-Bolibok 30 6
People management in the digital economy prof. dr hab. Anna Rakowska 30 6
People management in the digital economy prof. dr hab. Anna Rakowska 30 6
Political economy dr P. Wetoszka 30 6
Public sector and taxes in EU countries dr J. Śmiechowicz 30 6
Risks in international trade and their management dr L. Klapkiv 15 3
Sustainable public procurement  dr T. Budzyński 30 6
Course Lecturer Hours ECTS
AI and Automation in Business dr M. Mosbah  15 3
Basics of International Business dr hab. P. Pasierbiak, prof. UMCS 15 3
Budgetary analysics in local government dr J. Śmiechowicz 9 2
Consumer in the food market dr hab. A. Kowalska, prof. UMCS 15 3
Corporate Financial Strategy  dr hab. E. Bukalska, prof. UMCS  15 3
Corporate Governance: Main Concepts, Problems, and Solutions dr hab. P. Kozarzewski, prof. UMCS 15 3
Data Analytics in Business dr M. Mosbah 30 6
Diversity at work prof. dr hab. A. Rakowska 18 4
Ecological economy  dr T. Bondarenko 15 3
Economics of Innovation dr A. Matras-Bolibok  9 2
Enterprise in the Modern World dr hab. P. Kozarzewski, prof. UMCS 30 6
ESG reporting in financial sector dr L. Klapkiv 9
EU Valued Added Tax and Beyond prof. K. Wójtowicz  18 4
Financing Innovation dr A. Matras-Bolibok  15 3
Global economy dr M. Wojtas 15 3
Innovations and Innovation Policy dr J. Czerniak, prof. UMCS 15 3
International competitiveness dr A. Budzyńska 15 3
International trade and policy dr M. Wojtas 30 6
Introduction to business and commerce law  dr P. Bryłowski 15 3
Introduction to Data Science dr B. Żukowska 30 6
IT Project Management  mgr M. Mosbah 15 3
Kipolandi cha biashara dr K. Czernichowski 30 6
Legal aspects of software and artificial intelligence dr P. Bryłowski 30 6
Local Finance in Times of Green Transition dr hab. K. Wójtowicz, prof. UMCS 18
Marketing Data Analytics dr M. Mosbah 15 3
Microeconomics dr A. Matras-Bolibok 30 6
Negotiations mgr J. Jakubczak 15 3
People management in the digital economy prof. dr hab. A. Rakowska 30 6

Personal Finance Management

 dr hab. A. Korzeniowska, prof. UMCS 15 3
Public debt management

dr T. Budzyński

15 3
Public issues in terms of crisis dr J. Śmiechowicz 15 3
Public Procurement mgr B. Ndilibango 15 3
Quantitative Methods dr A. Naho 15 3
Risks in international trade and their management dr L. Klapkiv 15 3
Sustainable public procurement in logistics dr T. Budzyński 15 3
The level of the competitiveness on the market analysis dr A. Budzyńska 15 3
UOKiK's Activity on Selected Marketing Issues dr hab. I. Liowska, prof. UMCS 15 3
Welfare Economics dr K.Czernichowski 30 6
X-Culture international business project dr M. Wojtas 15 3
Актуальные проблемы корпоративного надзора: вызовы и решения (Current Corporate Governance Problems: Challenges and Solutions) dr hab. P. Kozarzewski, prof. UMCS 15 3
Экономические и социальные показатели (Economic and Social Indicators)  dr hab. P. Kozarzewski, prof. UMCS 15 3