Courses in English 2024-2025

at the Faculty of Economics of MCSU in the academic year 2024/2025
Course Lecturer  Hours ECTS
Analysis of the Contemporary Development Problems Using Economic and Social Indicators prof. P. Kozarzewski 30 6
Budgeting as a tool for planning and control mgr Chawesa Lengesela Kapungu 15 3
Business plan  prof. E. Bukalska 15  3 
Business process management dr G. Grela  15 3
Customer Experience Management dr M. Pawłowski 30 6
Economic and social policy mgr P. Wetoszka 15 3
Economics of Innovation dr A. Matras-Bolibok 15 3
Economics of the Public Sector dr G. Kwiatkowski 30 6
EU Economy dr M. Kąkol 15 3
Financing innovation dr A. Matras-Bolibok 15 3
History of Economy and Economics dr S. Sękowski 30 6
History of the Great Change: Poland after 1989 prof. P. Kozarzewski 30 6
Insurance Economics dr L. Klapkiv 30 6
International Economics prof. P. Pasierbiak 30 6
International organizations in the world economy dr M. Wojtas  15 3
Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships in Workplace dr A. Karasek  30   6 
Introduction to Data Science dr B. Żukowska 30 6
Microeconomics dr A. Matras-Bolibok 30 6
Multi-Channel Pricing – Toward the Synergy of Price and Distribution in Marketing Strategy prof. I. Lipowska 15 3
People management in the digital economy prof. A. Rakowska/dr A. Karasek 30 6
Personal Finance Management prof. A. Korzeniowska 15 3
Political economy mgr P. Wetoszka 30 6
Public sector and taxes in EU countries dr J. Śmiechowicz 30 6
Quantitative methods mgr Makalo Pastory Petro 15 3
Risks in international trade and their management dr L. Klapkiv 15 3
Success in business entities dr A. Budzyńska 15 3
Sustainable development strategy prof. A. Kowalska 30 6
Sustainable Finance dr L. Klapkiv 15 3
Sustainable public procurement dr T. Budzyński 30 6
The Winding Road of Polish History prof. P. Kozarzewski 30 6
Urban Economics for Sustainable Cities dr P. Maleszyk 15 3
Course Lecturer Hours ECTS
An introduction to contemporary Chinese business culture dr J. Jakubczak 15 3
Applied Economics Real-World Challenges and Solutions prof. J. Czerniak/dr G. Kwiatkowski 30 6
Artificial Intelligence for Economists dr G. Kwiatkowski 15 3
Basics of International Business prof. P. Pasierbiak 15 3
Budgetary and financial analysis in local government units dr J. Śmiechowicz 15 3
Contemporary issues of public finance in European countries dr J. Śmiechowicz 15 3
Corporate Financial Strategy  prof. E. Bukalska 15 3
Corporate Governance: Main Concepts, Problems, and Solutions prof. P. Kozarzewski 15 3
Corporate Social Responsibility dr K. Grzesiuk 15 3
Development economics prof. Longinus Rutasitara Kyaruzi  15 
Diversity at work prof. dr hab. A. Rakowska 30 4
Economics of Family Business prof. R. Zajkowski 15 3
Economics of Innovation dr A. Matras-Bolibok  15 3
Enterprise in the Modern World prof. P. Kozarzewski 15 3
Financing innovation dr A. Matras-Bolibok 15 3
Financial reporting dr John Tlegray  15  3
From Climate Change to AI. The Economy of the 21st Century dr S. Sękowski 15 3
Global economy dr M. Wojtas 15 3
Indirect taxation in EU prof. K. Wójtowicz 30 6
Intermediate microeconomic analysis  dr Naomi William Mwaikambo  15   3 
Innovation Policy prof. J. Czerniak 15 3
International Competitiveness dr A. Budzyńska 15 3
International trade and policy dr M. Wojtas 30 6
Introduction to business and commerce law  dr P. Bryłowski 15 3
Introduction to Data Science dr B. Żukowska 30 6
Introduction to Family Firms dr A. Domańska 15 3
Legal aspects of software and artificial intelligence  dr P. Bryłowski 15 3
Managerial Competencies Development mgr J. Jakubczak 15 3
Managerial economics prof. T. Kijek 15 3
Microeconomics dr A. Matras-Bolibok 15 3
Negotiations mgr J. Jakubczak 15 3
People management in the digital economy prof. A. Rakowska/dr A. Karasek 15 3
Personal finance management prof. A. Korzeniowska 15 3
Procurement principles and practice  mgr Veneranda Ntayomba 15   3
Public debt management dr T. Budzyński 15 3
Risks in international trade and their management dr L. Klapkiv 15 3
Sustainable Development Strategy prof. A. Kowalska 30 6
Sustainable Finance dr L. Klapkiv 15 3
Sustainable public procurement in logistics dr T. Budzyński 15 3
The level of the competitiveness on the market analysis dr A. Budzyńska   15 3
UOKiK activity on selected marketing issues prof. I. Lipowska 30 6
Welfare Economics dr K. Czernichowski 30 6
X-Culture international business project dr M. Wojtas/ prof. P. Pasierbiak 15 3