President's meeting with Polish and Tanzanian graduates of Polish universities in Dar es-Salaam

On 4-9 February 2024 President Andrzej Duda with his spouse paid a visit in three East African countries: Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania. The President's meeting with the Polish community and Tanzanian graduates of Polish universities in Dar es-Salaam was the last point of the Presidential Couple's visit to East Africa. It was attended by, among others: Dr. Konrad Czernichowski from the UMCS Faculty of Economics, and Erasmus students at the same Faculty: Assela Mbuga, Joyce Magere, Josephat Kimbage and Elias Robert. Dr. Czernichowski presented to the President the book he co-authored "Sub-Saharan Africa: potential, problems and opportunities for Poland" (other authors: Ewa Cieślik and Bara Ndiaye), commenting that Poland's export potential to Africa is not fully used because Poland exports to a small extent products in which it achieves a comparative advantage, to which President Duda replied that this potential is not even used 10%. The president also noticed the increased interest of Tanzanians in studying in Poland. This was the subject of talks with President Samia Suluhu Hassan, who indicated the most desirable fields of study: agriculture, chemistry and digital technologies, which perfectly fit into the Business Analytics and Data Science offered at the Faculty. Moreover, the President thanked the numerous missionaries gathered for their pastoral service and implementation of development projects.



    Date of addition
    20 February 2024