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The Jordan University College (JUCo) in Morogoro, Tanzania hosted the Open Days “Unlock Your Future: Discover, Explore, Achieve”, aimed at students of secondary schools, such as Morogoro Secondary School, Mafiga Secondary School, Kigurunyembe, and others, as well as students of JUCo, Mzumbe University, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Muslim University of Morogoro. Dr. Konrad Czernichowski, together with graduates of the Erasmus + Program at the Faculty of Economics at UMCS (Esther Muga, Fredy Byamungu and Emmanuel Humba), gave a short lecture entitled “International opportunities for students”, in which he encouraged, among others, to study Business Analytics and Data Science.
The second part of the event titled “Ladies and Gentlemen Talk” Prof. Małgorzata Rzeszutko the Faculty of Philology at UMCS, who is implementing the project “Preparation for studies in Polish” at JUCo as part of the program financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) “Promotion of the Polish language 2024”.