Lectures, Posters, Articles

Conference language: 


Duration of presentations:

  • Lecture: 25 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions.
  • Short lecture: 10 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions.

Guidelines for Oral Presenters:

  • Please bring your presentation on USB stick (We can also receive presentations in advance).
  • A laptop (Windows only) will be available in the conference room.
  • Please use PowerPoint software (*.ppt or *.pptx).
  • We kindly ask you to upload and test your presentation in advance, during the break before your session.
  • There will be a technician to assist You.

Guidelines for Poster Presenters:

Poster Session is scheduled on 24th June 2025 in the building of the the Institute of Computer Science UMCS, ul. Akademicka 9, 20-033 Lublin, Hall 2nd floor. The maximum size of the poster is max. A0 (841×1189) in portrait – NOT landscape.


Conference participants will have the opportunity to publish the results presented at the conference in the conference monograph "Science and Industry - challenges and opportunities" with no extra charge. Each participant can submit a maximum of two manuscripts for review (with a maximum of 4 typed pages/article). All received manuscripts will undergo the standard review process. Guidelines for the preparation of articles can be found here:





Articles should be submitted to: sico.lublin@mail.umcs.pl




