Invited speakers

Frank Hollmann pursued his studies in Chemistry in Bonn, Germany, culminating in the completion of his PhD in Biotechnology in 2004 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Following a postdoctoral stint with Prof. Manfred Reetz at the Max-Planck-Institute for Coal Research in Mulheim, Germany, he transitioned to Goldschmidt (now Evonik) as an R&D manager in Biocatalysis. Since 2008, Frank has been an integral part of the Biocatalysis group at the Department of Biotechnology at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, currently holding the position of Professor of Biocatalysis. His research is centred around the application of Biocatalysis to foster a more environmentally friendly chemical industry. Frank's particular fascination lies in the oxyfunctionalisation of peroxygenases and monooxygenases.


Professor Gustav Berggren research interests span molecular design, spectroscopy and redox catalysis, with a focus on bioinorganic chemistry and chemical energy conversion. He received his PhD from Uppsala University in 2009, where he studied in the group of Prof. Stenbjörn Styring. This was followed by postdoctoral studies with Prof. Marc Fontecave and Dr. Vincent Artero at CEA Grenoble; and Prof. Britt-Marie Sjöberg at Stockholm University. In 2015 he returned to Uppsala University, where he now holds a full Professor position in Molecular Biomimetics at the Department of Chemistry – Ångström. The group is also part of the Swedish Consortium for Artificial Photosynthesis (CAP). Current main research lines include hydrogenase studies as well as the development of biomimetic (electro-)catalysts for hydrogen production and developing biohybrid hydrogen-production systems.


Kiyohiko Igarashi is a Professor at the Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Tokyo, Japan. After receiving his PhD, he worked as a postdoc at Uppsala University (Sweden) and then returned to the University of Tokyo as an Assistant. From 2016 to 2019, he was a visiting professor at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Professor Igarashi specializes in the biodegradation of the plant cell wall, carbohydrate-active enzymes, cellobiose dehydrogenase, cellulase, and biomass utilization.