Graduation Celebration 2023 - invitation

Dear Students,

We are getting closer to one of the most important and touching days in your lives. Soon you will become graduates of the Maria Curie-Sklodowska Univeristy. We want it to be a memorable experience, which you will be able to share with your friends and families who supported you during your studies at UMCS. For this reason, we invite you to participate in Graduation Celebration 2023.

This year’s celebration will be even more special, since we will meet after a two-years break caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. That is why we have prepared lots of new and surprising attractions. Each event will be livestreamed online via our university social media. Two photographers will take care of capturing your precious memories, and what is more, magic mirror photo booth and commemorative face-in-hole photo board will be at your disposal. And finally we will celebrate your success with a glass of champagne!

We encourage you to take part in this event. Below you will find the most important information regarding this year’s Graduation Celebration.

For whom

Students of first-cycle, second-cycle and long-cycle studies at UMCS who defended their thesis after 1 January 2023, as well as students who have their thesis defense planned in June, July or September 2022 may participate in this event.

This year’s Graduation Celebration will be held:

On June 29th, 2023, 09:00 - at the Faculty of Economics at the Faculty of Law and Administration

Signing up

You can sign up for the Graduation Celebration until May 11st, 2023 through the online form, which can be found at

Among others, the organizers guarantee:

  1. The solemn nature of the event,
  2. Music,
  3. A graduate cap for each participant,
  4. A glass of champagne for each participant,
  5. Live stream of each event,
  6. Photo report from each event,
  7. Commemorative diploma,
  8. Bouquets of flowers for the Rectors, Deans, and academic teachers present at the event,
  9. Academic robes for each participant (rented).

Additional elements at the participants’ disposal:

  1. Commemorative face-in-hole photo board,
  2. Photo wall,
  3. Mirror photo booth.


PLN 100 per participant


The payment should be made to the University account:

Beneficiary account name: Uniwersytet Marii Curie Skłodowskiej w Lublinie

Address: Maria Curie-Skłodowska 5 Square, 20-031 Lublin

Account Number: 38 1140 1094 0000 2905 1600 1185

Payment title

Payment title: Absolutorium 2023, name, surname, faculty, student ID number




    Agnieszka Gryglicka
    Date of addition
    16 May 2023