Diploma Project Examination 2024

Schedule of the Diploma project examination in 2021 - Graphic Arts Programme
July Schedule:
- 17 June 2024 – submitting the required documentation in APD and to the Dean’s Office
- 2 - 5 July 2024 – Diploma Project Examination
September Schedule:
- until 26 August 2024  – submitting the required documentation in APD and to the Dean’s Office
- 10 - 13 September 2024 – Diploma Project Examination

  1. The Diploma Project examinations in 2021 are conducted as diploma project presentation in gallery space. There is public defence of an artistic diploma project.
  2. The Diploma Project examination is performed in gallery (or online) after the Diploma Committee has reviewed the applicable documentation of the diploma, the reviews of the supervisor and the reviewer.












The Theses and Dissertations Archive (APD) is the University Students Register (the USOS system) application that facilitates the process of preparing and submitting a thesis or dissertation for defence. 
The APD application can be accessed at the following address: https://apd.umcs.pl/documents/welcome/

For detailed instructions how to use APD please click below:
Thesis evaluation and assessment using the APD – instruction for students
Thesis evaluation and assessment using the APD  – instruction for reviewers
The Step-by-Step Process of Thesis Submission And Archiving Using the APD