Between Geo- and Bio-Politics. National Identities at Europe's Eastern Margins - course by Prof. Andrey Makarychev, Tartu University, Estonia

Prof. Andrey Makarychev from Tartu University (Estonia) will teach a lecture course "Between Geo- and Bio-Politics. National Identities at Europe's Eastern Margins" within VISITING PROFESSORS PROGRAM at the Political Science and Journalism Faculty, UMCS.

Prof. Andrey Makarychev is Visiting Professor at the Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu. Before he came to Tartu, he was Alexander von Humboldt Foundation fellow at Institute for East European Studies, Free University of Berlin, as well as Professor of International Relations at the Linguistic University (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). His research interests include Russian foreign policy discourses, international security and regionalism in EU – Russia common neighborhood. He has worked for the Center for Security Studies & Conflict Research, ETH Zurich (2000-2001) and the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Copenhagen (2003-2004). He was visiting fellow at several European and US research institutes, among them the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute; Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies (Washington, D.C.); George Mason University, Fairfax, and the JFK Institute for North American Studies, Free University of Berlin. His projects were supported a.o. by Central European University, Budapest; IREX; McArthur Foundation; OSI; NATO Democratic Institutions Fellowship Program. Prof. Makarychev full CV

His writings include many books and edited volumes as well as articleds and chapters. Selected recent publications include: Makarychev, Andrey; Yatsyk, Aleksandra (2020). Critical Biopolitics of the Post-Soviet: from Populations to Nations. London: Rowman & LittlefieldAndrey Makarychev (2020). Russia in the Changing International System. In: Parlar Dal, Emel; Erşen, Emre (Ed.)Russia in the Changing International System (39−57). Palgrave Macmillan. (International Relations Theory)Bogdanova, Olga; Makarychev, Andrey (Eds.) (2020). Baltic-Black Sea Regionalisms: Patchworks and Networks at Europe's Eastern Margins. Springer International PublishingMakarychev, Andrey; Sazonov, Vladimir (2019), Populisms, popular geopolitics and the politics of belonging in Estonia. European Politics and Society, 20 (4)

Dr. Andrey Makarychev will teach classes on January 13-24, 2020; for detailed schedule contact dr Julita Rybczynska
The VISITNG PROFESSORS PROGRAM is financed under the Integrated UMCS Project by the National Centre for Reserach and Development (NCBIR) More about the Project


    Julita Rybczyńska
    Date of addition
    12 January 2020