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dr hab. Piotr Majewski

associate professor
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Piotr Majewski

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Piotr Majewski focuses his attention on modern and contemporary art, with an emphasis on the avant-garde tradition, artistic migrations and the reception of art from Central and Eastern Europe in Western countries and the United States. Among his research interests are art criticism, the relationship between contemporary art and popular culture, the political contexts of artistic creation, and the history of design and architecture in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Post-doctoral degree (PhD habil.) in art history, assistant professor at the Institute of Culture UMCS and at the Institute of Fine Arts UMCS.

He completed his studies in art history at the Catholic University of Lublin. In 1997 he defended his thesis entitled “Metaphorical Tendency in Post-War Painting in Poland” (supervisor: Professor Elizabeth Wolicka) and obtained a Master's degree in art history.

He started the academic career in 2006, after receiving PhD in art history on basis of dissertation entitled "The Matter Painting in Poland as a Formula of Modernity" (supervisor: prof. Elisabeth Wolicka-Wolszleger) obtaining at the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin. Then he started to work in the Department of Art History at the Institute of Fine Arts at the Faculty of Arts UMCS, firstly as a lecturer (in years 2006-2007), as a higher lecturer (in years 2007/2008), and next as an assistant professor.

In 2021 he obtained post-doctoral degree (PhD habil.) at the University of Wrocław on the basis of a book "La Vague polonaise. Migrations of artists and works of art to Paris during the Iron Curtain" (2020, UMCS Publishing House).

He published among other things: "The Matter Painting in Poland as a Formula of Modernity" (2006, TN KUL, author), "Group Castle. History – Criticism – Art" (2007, TN KUL, co-editor), "Group Castle. Contexts – Memories – Archive” (2009, TN KUL, co-editor), "Images of the City. Photography Between the Document and the Work of Art" (2010, TN KUL, co-editor), “Tytus Dzieduszycki-Sas 1934-1973” (2012, National Museum in Lublin, editor), "La Vague polonaise. Migrations of artists and works of art to Paris during the Iron Curtain" (2020, UMCS Publishing House).

Curator of contemporary art exhibitions, among others: "Pulse of Photography" (Lublin, 2009), "Photography – between the Document and a Work of Art" (Lublin, 2009), “Tytus Dzieduszycki-Sas. Between Lublin and Paris” (National Museum in Lublin, 2012, National Museum in Poznań, 2014).

He is a member of the Art Historians Association and the Polish Institute of World Art Studies. Vice President of the Lublin’s Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts; Chairman of the Board in years 2008-2010.