Landschaft und Besiedlung.
Archäologische Studien zur vorrömischen Eisenzeit- und älteren Kaiserzeit im Mittel- und Südost Europa
Lublin, 06.-07.04.2017
The Organisers of the Conference:
dr hab. Piotr Łuczkiewicz prof. nadzw.
Department of Archaeology
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Prähistorische Archäologie
With cooperation:
dr Vasile Iarmulschi
Moladauische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Institut für Archäologie/Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Prähistorische Archäologie
Supported by:
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung/Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Landscapes should not be merely understood in terms of geography, paleogeography, or natural sciences, but must be analysed in their social, social-economic, ritual, and identity-creating dimensions. A landscape is more than a region of settlement of a society, of an archaeological culture, or of a people. This applies both to the micro-level, i.e. the analysis of individual settlements, as well as to the macro-level, i.e. the analysis of complex settlement clusters.
The conference is planned as a meeting of scientists from Northern, Central, and Southeastern Europe, researching in Pre-Roman and Roman Iron Age settlement archaeology. It will cover a wide array of themes concerning new research methods in and approaches to modern landscape archaeology; it will also deal with the results of latest research on the use of space and landscape in various cultural and ethnic spheres of the European Barbaricum in the Pre-Roman and Roman Iron Age. We hope that a juxtaposition of diverse research schools and traditions, coupled with a variery of major research interests pursued within those traditions and represented by scholars from several countries, will lead to a constructive clash of viewpoints in a lively and fruitful debate. Ideas and inspirations from the debate will certainly fuel future research of the conference delegates. Hopefully, the meeting will also help create an international network of specialists, willing to design and engage in transdisciplinary and supra-regional research projects.
Conference proceedings will be published as a monograph (in Lublin).
Graphic design of Conference posters: Katarzyna Brzyska
English translating support: Adam Głaz
Conference website concept: Urszula Kurzątkowska