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Ulica Głęboka 45
20-612 Lublin
Information on education, academic degrees/titles and employment:
1997 - title of magister [Master] of political science, specializing in social and political system. UMCS [Maria Curie Skłodowska
University in Lublin] Faculty of Political Science
2005 - doctorate in humanities in the scope of political science. UMCS [Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin] Faculty of
Political Science
2013 - certificate of completion of One-Year Postgraduate Course in “Protection of Intellectual Property” conducted as part of the
project “Training academic staff to undertake teaching within the subject of Protection of Intellectual Property”, UMCS [Maria Curie
Skłodowska University in Lublin] Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology
2018 - habilitated doctor in the field of social sciences in the discipline of political science. UMCS [Maria Curie Skłodowska
University in Lublin] Faculty of Political Science
Information pertaining to employment in scientific institutions to date
Place of primary employment: Marie Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Faculty of Political Science and Journalism,
Department of Political Thought – from October 1st, 1997 onward, (from October 1st, 1997 as assistant, from November 1st,
2005-2018 as associate professor [Pol. “adiunkt"] and from May 1st, 2018 onward as assistant professor with the academic degree
of dr hab.)
Place of secondary employment within the meaning of the Act on Higher Education: Wyższa Szkoła Finansów i Zarządzania w
Białymstoku [The University of Finance and Management in Białystok], 15-472 Białystok, ul. Ciepła 40 – from October 1st, 2009 to
September 30th, 2010 (Assistant Professor on a half-time basis).
Employment based on civil law agreement: Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Administracji w Lublinie [The University College of
Enterprise and Administration in Lublin] (2011-2013); Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczno – Ekonomiczna im. Jana Zamoyskiego w
Zamościu [Jan Zamoyski College of Humanities and Economics in Zamość] (2005-2006)
Scientific interests
Political Thought, World History and History of Poland, Theory of Politics, The Problem of Security in Polish Political Thought, Political Thought of Christian Democracy, People's Movement - Aleksander Bogusławski: Political Activity and Political Thought, Political Thought of PSL Piast, Political Thought of Stronnictwo Ludowe, Political Thought of Wincenty Witos and Maciej Rataj, Polish Centers socio-political issues abroad after 1945, Political Lobbying, Political Systems, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Balkans.
Scientific conferences (selected)
Lectures and presentations
The results of conducted scholarly research have been presented at congresses, conferences and symposia:
International Conference: Poles in Russia, Russians in Poland: history and modern times - Sankt Petersburg (Russia), 24-25 November 2011 (the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, General Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Sankt Petersburg, Museum of Polish History) – as an expert on the Polish side;
International Conference: Russia and European Union - Sankt Petersburg (Russia), 25-26 November 2011 (Department of International Relations of Sankt Petersburg State University – as an expert of UE member state;
Conference: The History written with the peasant blood: the Zamość region, Wołyń and Eastern Małopolska during WWII – Warszawa (the Sejm of the Republic of Poland) 18 February 2013, The Zamość region before the outbreak of WWII. The tragic September of 1939;
5th Congress of the Historians of Village and Peasant Movement: The history and traditions of the peasant movement – Warszawa 2-3 September 2015, Electoral campaigns of the Polish Peasant Party “Piast” in the party press organ. Selected problems;
The International scholarly conference: Europe in front of new challenges. National minorities in Mid-Eastern Europe 1918–1940, April 13 and 14, 2018, Těšín (Czech Republic), The problem of national minorities in the political thought of the Polish Peasants Party „Piast”;
The International scholarly conference: The power and nature of man throughout history, December 9, 2019, Akademia Ignatianum in Krakow, Inspirations of the peasant nature of the political thought of the peasant movement in the final period of the partitions and in the Second Republic of Poland;
VII International Asian Congress (online), October 21-23, 2020, Toruń, Freedoms, rights and civic duties in contemporary political thought of selected parties and coalitions in Poland;
International Conference: Against the specter of Bolshevism. Poles and Ukrainians in the fight against the aggression of Soviet Russia in the years 1919-1921, December 8-9, 2020, IPN in Lublin and Ostrogska Academy Ukraine - online conference, Peasants' party towards the Polish-Bolshevik war;
5th Polish Political Science Congress. Politics of (Dis) Order, Wrocław, September 21-23 2022, Building the identity of peasants in the political thought and activity of the Polish peasant movement
and many others.
Scientific publications (selected)
Over 100 publications (published and submitted for publication - monographs, articles and others), including: