IT Cyber Security

Zakres i forma egzaminu dyplomowego dla studentów
Wydziału Politologii i Dziennikarstwa na kierunku:
IT Cyber Security – studia stacjonarne
drugiego stopnia - od roku akademickiego 2024/2025

  • Egzamin dyplomowy jest egzaminem ustnym.
  • Na egzaminie dyplomowym student otrzymuje jedno pytanie z zakresu pracy dyplomowej oraz losuje dwa pytania z listy pytań egzaminacyjnych.

Zagadnienia na egzamin dyplomowy – IT Cyber Security, studia II stopnia

  1. What is cybersecurity?
  2. Information security, cybersecurity, and cyber defence: definitions and differences.
  3. Types of cybersecurity threats.
  4. What is information warfare?
  5. What is darknet?
  6. The analysis of technological advances in the area of cybersecurity in the last three decades - selected examples in the banking and bussines sectors.
  7. The challenges of maintaining cybersecurity in the banking and bussines sector.
  8. International Legal Regulations of Cyberspace.
  9. The evolution of cybersecurity regulation in the European Union Law.
  10. Nation-state attacks: their motivations, tactics, and implications.
  11. Election hacking: tools, techniques, targets, and threat actors.
  12. Cyber and information warfare in the Russia-Ukraine War.
  13. Protection of EU classified information.
  14. How to guarantee the effective protection of intellectual property online?
  15. Domain names and protection of intellectual property. 
  16. Discuss in brief the basics of Python syntax. What does it mean that Python is an interpreted language?
  17. Describe three methods for getting data from the user to the program. Give an example of code that realizes one of these methods.
  18. Discuss the differences between lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets in Python. Give an example of how to create a selected data type.
  19. List and discuss the paradigms of the object-oriented programming.
  20. Class, abstract class, interface -- differences and similarities.
  21. Design patterns in Java -- purpose and examples.
  22. What are hashing functions? How do they improve security of the data?
  23. Name a few console applications to manage files and folders. Describe three of them.
  24. File attributes in Linux.
  25. Name a few methods in Linux that help protect the system from intruders and potential OS damage.
  26. Pros and cons of using virtualization in Linux.
  27. Cryptography and Network Security protocols. Explain how TLS and IPSec protocols work.
  28. Describe techniques for managing network traffic to ensure service quality.
  29. What is VLSM used for?
  30. Describe Zigbee