Prague Summer School of Journalism 2020

Uwaga Studenci Wydziału - jedna z naszych uczelni partnerskich, Uniwersytet Karola w Pradze ogłasza nabór do Summer School of Journalism:

We are writing to inform you about the Prague Summer School of Journalism 2020. The topic of this course, which is offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, is “Cross-Platform Foreign Correspondence”.

This program is intended mainly for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students. The Summer School Programme will be interesting for students of communication studies, international studies, political studies, sociological studies, and other related fields. We would appreciate it very much if you would spread this information throughout your institution.

Więcej informacji w ulotce do ściągnięcia tutaj i na stronie uczelni [link:]



    Data dodania
    9 stycznia 2020