Please send in your doc or docx abstract of no more than 300 words (plus 3-4 keywords and References, if any), in English or Polish, to the conference e-mail by March 1, 2015.Your abstract should clearly state the scope and aims of your research, the methodology applied, the expected results, etc. Above all, it must be evident that your research lies within the cognitive linguistics enterprise, e.g. (the list is obviously open-ended and should only be treated as a set of general guidelines):
Please include your name and affiliation in the abstract – these will subsequently be removed for the purpose of the anonymous review process. Therefore, avoid making any direct references to your own previous work or indicating the authorship of the abstract in any other way. If you need to refer to yourself, please use "AUTHOR" instead of your name.
You will be notified of the results of the abstract evaluation procedure by May 10, 2015.
Should you decide to submit a paper to a theme session, note that the procedure and the timelines are different. You submit your abstract to the organizers of your chosen session and follow the instructions they specify.
Below you will find Call for Paper in PDF.