HR Excellence in Research

Second meeting of the Monitoring Team for the implementation of the HR Excellence in Research Strategy at UMCS

The next meeting of the Monitoring Team for the implementation of the HR Excellence in Research Strategy at UMCS was held on February 25. During it, current issues related to the implementation of the Strategy at our University were discussed

The next meeting of the Monitoring Team for the implementation of the HR Excellence in Research Strategy at UMCS was held on February 25. During it, current issues related to the implementation of the Strategy at our University were discussed.

It planned, among other things, lectures on the disciplinary responsibility of academic teachers and doctoral students, which in March this year will be conducted by Prof. Dr. Katarzyna Dudka - Academic Ombudsman of UMCS, Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure at UMCS.

The organization of the lectures is part of the policy of creating the best possible working environment for academics and doctoral students of UMCS.

We thank the entire team once again for the fruitful meeting. The next one has already been scheduled for April 15 this year.



    Date of addition
    26 February 2021