Prof. Martin Procházka - Rector of Palackého University in Olomounec

Martin Procházka has holt the position of the Rector and President of Palacký University since May 2021. A graduate of the Palacký University Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (1994), Professor of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (2016).

Before he was elected Palacký University´s 16th rector in its modern history in May 2021, Prof. Procházka was  the dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences (2019–2021), after serving as the head of Department of Midwifery of the same faculty.

He has worked at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the UP Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and University Hospital Olomouc since 1994. He gained professional experience during study stays ind interships at high-ranked universities and academic institutions in Belgium, Sweden, and the Netherlands.

In his professional carrier, he focuses on perinatology, maternal-fetal medicine, and medical genetics, especially on serious complications during pregnancy or inherited disorders of blood clotting. As a physician, he specializes in high-risk pregnancies, trombophilic conditions, outpatient gynaecology, prenatal care, infertility, and endometriosis.

He has over 170 works with more than 960 citations and given numerous presentations at national and international conferences. Previously he was the principal investigator of four IGA grants financed by the Czech Ministry of Health, co-investigator of other 10 IGA grants, and two research projects financed by the Czech Ministry of Education.

Prof. Procházka is a member of the Czech Gynecological and Obstetrical Society committee, and a member of the Czech Society of Medical Genetics and Genomics, and several other European and international professional associations included the American Society of Human Genetics.