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Dear UMCS International Students!
The next edition of the Class Evaluation Survey is in progress. From 27 January to 23 February you can evaluate the quality of the teaching classes offered by UMCS in the winter semester 2024/25.
The survey questionnaire has been shortened and simplified. It now consists of 8 questions, about classes and how they are taught. Below, there is space for comments or any remarks on the strengths and weaknesses of the classes evaluated or the way they are run. All your responses will remain anonymous. The teacher cannot see who has completed the survey.
The Class Evaluation Survey is important feedback - the results are shared with the University Authorities, Departments and individual academic staff. As a result, each opinion will be used to verify the quality of the classes taught, the study programmes and the usefulness of the knowledge gained in the subject. Your insights and opinions will help us make meaningful changes.
To participate, simply log in to your USOSweb account and select the classes you want to evaluate. The survey is also available in the USOS UMCS mobile app.
To evaluate the classes taken in the summer semester, please follow the steps:
The survey should take no more than 5-10 minutes of your time.
Thank you!