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Dear Students,
We would like to inform you, that on February 25th, 2025, recruitment to ERASMUS+ International Program of Student Mobility was opened. All students interested in taking part in the ERASMUS+ Student Mobility Program can submit now – please check our offer of partner universities (available here:,12781.htm) and follow the recruitment procedure as described here:,12782.htm).
Deadline for submitting documents is Friday, March 7th, 2025 (no later than 12:00). Documents delivered after the deadline will not be included into qualification procedures. Documents will be accepted in scanned forms, delivered at Applications ought to contain following documents:
- Covering letter (indicating date and place of mobility and it motivation);
- Grade Average Mark;
- GDPR Confirmation;
- FACULTATIVE language certificate.
If you need the certificate with the average grade mark from our faculty student office, please write an e-mail with the inquiry to the relevant person in the student office.
The Erasmus+ qualification interviews will take place in room A.4.32 on Monday March 10th, 2025 starting at 12:00.
Please, download also this document (GDPR confirmation), sign it (in two spaces provided) with the same date as in your cover letter, and attach its scanned version to the e-mail with the rest of the documents.