HR Excellence in Research

New Year's meeting

On 10th January of this year, a New Year's meeting for members of the academic community of our Alma Mater took place at Maria Curie-Skłodowska Square. Among the gathered people were representatives of university authorities, academic teachers, doctoral students and students, and administration and service employees.

As emphasised in the introduction by the UMCS Rector, prof. Radosław Dobrowolski, after a one-year break, we have returned to the beautiful tradition of New Year's gatherings. Due to the epidemic restrictions, the meeting was held in the open space, in the heart of the campus - at the monument to the UMCS patron. JM thanked the attendees for their presence and summed up 2021 in several dimensions: scientific and research, didactic, in the organisational and administrative area, and in the context of supporting student culture and academic sports. The Rector noted that the past year was tough, and 2022 brought new challenges. However, due to a certain optimism and community of thinking on matters necessary for the University, many of the previously declared plans were successfully implemented: - Our University was included in international rankings, it is worthwhile to mention it because it is an inevitable objectification and perspective on our scientific and research activity by independent people who evaluate the functioning of the University through the prism of the effects of its activities, publications and project activities. (…) It is the result of your work and commitment, for which I would like to thank you very much.

Prof. Dobrowolski mentioned the introduction of additional support for the effectiveness of scientific activities, which results, among others, in articles in highly scored magazines, as well as project supplements and grants for young researchers. The Rector also emphasised that apart from the place in international rankings, we also noted great individual successes of UMCS employees. It goes, among others o a list of 2% of the most-cited scientists globally, whereas many as 18 scientists from among our employees were found.

- I would also like to signal the most important successes in other areas of university activity and recall that we managed to maintain, despite the problematic pandemic situation and the deepening demographic decline, the recruitment results at a level similar to the previous years. We have admitted 7,200 new students to the academic community of our University, of which 10% are foreigners. We are constantly expanding our educational offer, and new directions are planned this year, including English-language ones.

The Rector also recalled the successes in the dimension of student culture, incl. The National Forum of Student Culture organisation at ACKiM marked a new line of activity in this sphere. JM also mentioned the academic sport and the historical achievement of UMCS students who returned from the Summer Olympics in Tokyo with three medals in various colours - from bronze to gold.

We were outlining goals for the current year, prof. Dobrowolski emphasised that we are starting a challenging time that requires all of us to be fully mobilised and committed. Nevertheless, we look to the future with a certain degree of optimism. In the end, the Rector greeted all the gathered New Year's greetings: much peace, respite, normality and, above all, health. - These health wishes seem to be the most essential not only today but also throughout the coming year. We will not run out of challenges, I think we are fully aware of it, but let us stick together, build the academic community of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, take care of its brand and quality, and at the same time, let us not forget about our health. I wish you and your loved ones all the best in this newly started year.

After His Magnificence's speech, the audience had the opportunity to talk and make New Year's wishes. A Christmas treat complemented the warm and friendly atmosphere.

We encourage you to watch the photo report:



    Date of addition
    12 January 2022