IR students in the Lublin City Hall

Incoming student in the International Relations Programs (BA and MA) visited the city of Lublin Town Hall and met with the Deputy Mayor Ms. Beata Stepaniuk-Kuśmierzak. The Diretor of the Lublin International Cooperation Office at the city administration, Mr. Krzysztof Stanowski was also present as was Ms. Victoria Herun who manages students services at the City Hall and is a leader of "Study in Lublin " program.

Students listened to the presentation on Lublin as a university centre and the role of academic community for economy, culture and social life of the city. The presnetations byMr. Stanowkski and Ms.Herun were follwed by the discussion on international studnets, internationalisation of academic institutions in Lublin, porgrams, grants and scholarships offered by the city to the  Polish and international students. Some future activities for the IR group were also discussed


    Julita Rybczyńska
    Date of addition
    18 November 2019