EAAS - The Transatlantic Grant

In 2018 Lidia Kniaź-Hunek received a Postgraduate Research Trip Grant from the European Association of American Studies which funded her three-week research trip to University of California, Riverside (Eaton Collection of Science Fiction & Fantasy) in February 2019.

Thanks to generous support of the EAAS Transatlantic Travel Grant, Kniaź-Hunek was fortunate enough to visit University of California in Riverside for a three-week research trip in February 2019. The aim of this visit was to examine the Eaton Collection of Science Fiction & Fantasy in Riverside, California, which contains a wide range of useful materials to her dissertation on Afrofuturism in the medium of music video. This three-week access to UCR’s remarkable library resources has significantly contributed to the advancement of her academic research as it gave her an opportunity to consult both primary sources and critical texts in the field of Black and Indigenous futurisms that she would not be able to access otherwise.
