Prof. Sławomir Patyra, PhD, Dr. Habil. (Professor at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University)

Dr. Mateusz Chrzanowski, PhD (Assistant Professor)
Dr. Marcin Gołębiowski, PhD (Assistant Professor)
Dr. Klaudia Jastrzębska-Wójcicka, PhD (Assistant Professor)
Prof. Grzegorz Koksanowicz, PhD, Dr. Habil.(Professor at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University)
Dr. Habil. Wojciech Mojski, PhD (Associate Professor)
Dr. Paweł Sadowski, PhD (Assistant Professor)
Dr. Joanna Szponar-Seroka, PhD (Assistant Professor)
Dr. Marek Woźnicki, PhD (Assistant Professor) 

- Constitutional foundations of state's system of government
- Human rights protection standards
- Parliamentary law
- Electoral law
- Council of Ministers and central government administration
- System of local government
- Systems of government in contemporary states
- Law on political parties
- Institutions of direct democracy
- Administrative lawmaking 


Compulsory subjects:
- Constitutional law
- Constitutional system of state authorities
- Political system of the state
- European citizenship
- Fundamentals of constitutional law

Elective subjects:
- Parliamentary law
- Electoral law and law on referendums
- Systems of government of contemporary states
- European constitutional law
- Institutional protection of civil rights
- Constitutional protection of human rights
- Constitutional protection of rights of the individual
- Constitutional acpects of lawmaking
- Constitutional foundations of social participation in decision-making processes
- Constitutional obligation to provide children with special health care
- Administrative lawmaking
- Image of the US Constitution in cinematography
- Comparative parliamentary law
- Law on political parties 


Prof. Sławomir Patyra, PhD, Dr. Habil. (Professor at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University)
Cooperation with public authorities:
- preparing expert opinions for the Bureau of Analysis of the Chancellery of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland (currently Bureau of Research and Assessment of Impact of Regulation)
- preparing expert opinions for the Bureau of Analysis and Documentation of the Senate of the Republic of Poland (currently the Analyses and Petitions Office)
- expert with the Commission of Legislative Work of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, 10th term and 11th term
- candidate for the Commissioner for Human Rights proposed by a group of Sejm Deputies (March – April 2021)
- member of the Team of Advisors for the Review of the Constitutionality of Law at the Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, 10th term (2020 – 2023)
- expert of the Ministry of Justice (since 2024)
- member of the delegation of the Ministry of Justice to the 141st Plenary Session of the Venice Commission on 4 December 2024 (expert statement delivered during deliberations on the assessment of the Act of 13 September 2024 on the Constitutional Tribunal and Introductory Provisions to the Act on the Constitutional Tribunal)
Cooperation with the self-government of attorneys-at-law:
- permanent collaborator with the Research, Studies and Legislation Centre at the National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law (2013 – 2016; 2018 – 2023)
- Head of the Standing Team for the State System of Government and Judiciary in the Research, Studies and Legislation Centre at the National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law (since 2023)
- representative of the National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law in proceedings before the Constitutional Tribunal in cases K 35/15 and K 47/15
- representative of the National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law in proceedings before the Court of Justice of the EU in Joined Cases C-515/17 P and C-561/17 P [Uniwersytet Wrocławski and Republic of Poland v Research Executive Agency (2019)
Cooperation with the business community:
- member of the Supervisory Board of PGE GK (since 2024)
Cooperation with NGOs:
- member of the Legal Experts Group of the Batory Foundation (since 2020)
- representative of the Batory Foundation in legislative work on the draft Act on the Constitutional Tribunal and the draft Introductory Provisions to the Act on the Constitutional Tribunal, adopted on 13 September 2024
- member of the Professor Zbigniew Hołda Association
- collaborator of the Polish Judges Association “Iustitia”
- collaborator of the Association of Prosecutors “Lex Super Omnia” 

Dr. Mateusz Chrzanowski, PhD
Cooperation with local government:
- member of the Consultancy and Advisory Team for the preparation of an analysis of the functioning of selected forms of public participation in the City of Starachowice (since 2024 - head of the Team)
Cooperation with scientific research institutions:
- membership in the Scientific Association Pro Scientia Iuridica (since 2014 – Vice-President of the Board)
- membership in the Polish Legislation Society (since 2022 – president of the Auditing Committee) 

Dr. Marcin Gołębiowski, PhD
Cooperation with local government:
- President of the Standing Working Group for Education and Higher Education of the Lublin Region Social Dialogue Council (2021-2024)
- President of the Council of the Foundation Regional Development Agency in Starachowice (since 2024)
- member of the Scientific Board of the University of the Third Age in Starachowice (since 2024).
- member of the Commission for European Policy and Foreign Affairs of the Association of Polish Cities (since 2024)
- member of the Commission for Education of the Association of Polish Cities (since 2025)
Cooperation with other public institutions:
- Expert for youth policy in the Foundation for the Development of the Education System in Warsaw as part of the European Goes Local Event 2025 

Prof. Grzegorz Koksanowicz, PhD, Dr. Habil. (Professor at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University)
Cooperation with the self-government of attorneys-at-law:
- President of the District Disciplinary Court of the Lublin Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law (since 2020)
- member of the Auditing Committee of the Foundation of the Lublin Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law (since 2016)
- member of the Standing Team for the State System of Government and Judiciary in the Research, Studies and Legislation Centre at the National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law (since 2023)
Cooperation with the business community:
- President of the Supervisory Board of PGE Dystrybucja S.A. based in Lublin (since March 2024) 

Dr. Habil. Wojciech Mojski, PhD
Cooperation with the self-government of attorneys-at-law:
- member of the Standing Team for the State System of Government and Judiciary in the Research, Studies and Legislation Centre at the National Bar Council of Attorneys-at-Law (since 2023)
Cooperation with public authorities:
- advisor to the Chairman of the Committee on Justice and Human Rights of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, 10th term (from February through June 2024) 

Dr. Paweł Sadowski, PhD
Cooperation with public authorities:
- Member of the Local Government Board of Appeal in Lublin
Cooperation with the Academic Sports Association:
- member of the Main Auditing Committee of the Academic Sports Association (2018 - 2024)
- member of the Disciplinary Committee of the Lublin Sports Union (since 2020)
- Chairman of the Auditing Committee of the AZS Community Organisation in the Lublin Region (since 2020)
- coordinator of the National Academic Representation programme at the UMCS (since 2022)
- Vice President of the Main Peer Disciplinary Board of the Academic Sports Association (since 2024) 

Dr. Marek Woźnicki, PhD
Cooperation with public authorities:
- permanent advisor to the Constitutional Accountability Committee of the Sejm of te Republic of Poland, 10t term (since May 2024) 

Department of Constitutional Law
Faculty of Law and Administratiion, UMCS
Plac Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 5
20-031 Lublin, Poland