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PhD in Humanities (1994, PhD thesis - Transnational political processes in the European Parliament, supervisor: Prof. Ziemowit J. Pietraś); Scientific discipline: political science, scientific specialty: international relations.
Research interests:
European integration - decision-making processes in the EU, the functioning of the EU political system, the theory and operation of Community agencies; theory of politics - theory of political decision-making
Other achievements (grants, scholarships, etc.):
Internship at the General Secretariat of the European Parliament in Luxembourg as part of the Robert Schuman Scholarship (02-05.1991); beneficiary of the Research Suport Scheme Open Society Institute (1995–1997) and four didactic grants from the European Commission under the Jean Monnet Project (PL93/055 - 1993-1999; PL022/96 - 1996-2003; C01/027 - 2001-2006; F04/0166 - 2004-2009); scientific internships at: Université Libré de Bruxelles (TEMPUS 1998, 1999), Wilhelm University in Münster (1999, 2000); Fulbright scholarship at the Institute of United States Studies University of London (1999); completed training and seminar series "Training for trainers" in the full range of EU issues, EIPA in Maastricht / European Institute in Łódź 12.2002-06.2003; head of the UMCS European Documentation Center (2001-2007); head of the Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Study of European Studies at the Faculty of Political Science, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (2000-2005); President of the Lublin branch of the Polish Society of Political Sciences (2005-2009); member of the Polish Society for European Studies and the Polish Society for International Studies; honored with the Medal of the National Education Committee (2006); expert member of the Team Europe network of the European Commission.
Currently taught classes:
Work experience:
Teaching Assistant in Department of International Relations, Political Science and Journalism Faculty.
Research areas:
European integration – decision-making processes in the EU, the functioning of the EU political system, the theory and operation of Community agencies; theory of politics – theory of political decision-making.
Research grants:
2006 – member of the Polish Society for European Studies and the Polish Society for International Studies;
2006 – honored with the Medal of the National Education Committee;
2005 – 2009 – President of the Lublin branch of the Polish Society of Political Sciences;
2004 – 2009 – grants from the European Commission under the Jean Monnet Project (F04/0166);
2002 – 2003 – completed training and seminar series "Training for trainers" in the full range of EU issues, EIPA in Maastricht / European Institute in Łódź;
2001 – 2006 – grants from the European Commission under the Jean Monnet Project (C01/027);
2001 – 2007 – head of the UMCS European Documentation Center;
2000 – 2005 – head of the Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Study of European Studies at the Faculty of Political Science, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University;
2000 – Wilhelm University in Münster;
1999 – Fulbright scholarship at the Institute of United States Studies, University of London;
1999 – scientific internships at: Université Libré de Bruxelles (TEMPUS);
1999 – Wilhelm University in Münster;
1998 – scientific internships at: Université Libré de Bruxelles (TEMPUS);
1996 – 2003 – grants from the European Commission under the Jean Monnet Project (PL022/96);
1995 – 1997 – beneficiary of the Research Suport Scheme Open Society Institute (1995–1997);
1993 – 1999 – grants from the European Commission under the Jean Monnet Project (PL93/055);
1991 – Internship at the General Secretariat of the European Parliament in Luxembourg as part of the Robert Schuman Scholarship;
expert member of the Team Europe network of the European Commission.
Memberships and affiliations:
Selected publications:
A. Dumała, European External Action Service – analysis of the first period of activity [in:] Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Challenges of the 21st Century, A. Kruk, (ed.), Łódz 2013, p. 151 – 173;
A. Dumała, Epistemological communities and advocacy coalitions in the European Union system [in:] Levels of analysis of international relations, E. Haliżak, M. Pietraś (eds), Warsaw 2013, p. 393 – 422;
A. Dumała, Decentralization of management in the European Union – the role of Community agencies [in:] European Union – multidimensionality of the integration process, E. Lesiewicz (eds), Poznań 2010;
A. Dumała, International regions – comparative synthesis [in:] Regions in international relations, I. Topolski, H. Dumała, A. Dumały (eds), Lublin 2009;
Theoretical and methodological challenges of political science research in Poland, A. Antoszewski, B. Krauz-Mozer, A. Dumała, K. Radzik (eds), Lublin 2009;
A. Dumała, Participation of partner countries covered by the European Neighborhood Policy in agencies and internal programs of the European Union, „Krakow International Studies”, 2009, No. 4(VI), p. 27 – 43;
A. Dumała, The European Union in Poland's foreign policy after 1989 [in:] International political relations, M. Pietraś (ed.), Lublin 2006;
A. Dumała, Polish Foreign Policy after 1989 – An Attempt of the Balance [in:] The European Union Policy towards Ukraine: Partnership or Membership?, A. Podraza (ed.), Lublin 2006;
Agencies in the European Union system, A. Dumała (ed.), Warsaw 2002;
A. Dumała, Institutional reforms in the Treaty of Nice [in:] Treaty of Nice, A. Podraza (ed.), Lublin 2001;
A. Dumała, H. Dumała, CEFTA – gibt es den mitteleuropäischen Wirtschaftsraum? [in:] Jahrbuch zur Außenwirtschaftspolitik 1997/98, Ch. Stolorz, B. Breitschuh, J. Bellers (eds), Münster 1999;
Decision mechanisms in constitutional democracy, A. Dumała (ed.), Lublin 1998;
The Future of East-Central Europe, A. Dumała, Z.J. Pietraś (eds), Lublin 1996;
Mechanisms of political adaptation of the state, A. Dumała, Z.J. Pietraś (eds), Lublin 1990.