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Dr Habil., Ph.D., adjunct and researcher at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University. Since 2014 I have worked as a research and teaching staff member at the Department of Financial Law in the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (UMCS). I do my research in the scientific specialisation of financial law. I am the author of publications on financial market law, banking law, tax law and public finance law.
My scientific achievements include the authorship of two single-author scientific monographs: "Zgrupowania solidarnościowe banków spółdzielczych. Konstrukcja normatywna” [Affiliations of Cooperative Banks. Normative Structure], Warszawa 2022, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck and "Środki przymusowej restrukturyzacji banku” [Means of Special Bank Resolution Regime], Warszawa 2018, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck.
See more: Academic Curriculum Vitae
In the period 2014-2019 I was employed as an assistant lecturer, and since February of 2019 I have been employed under a labour contract for an indefinite period of time as an assistant professor in the above-mentioned Department. I carry out research at the Department of Financial Law of UMCS. Since April 2021, a have worked as a lecturer at the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution.
On 22 May 2014 I graduated with distinction from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. The Master's thesis titled Sieć bezpieczeństwa finansowego w Polsce a instrumenty special resolution regime na przykładzie ustawy o spółdzielczych kasach oszczędnościowo-kredytowych [Financial Security Network in Poland and Special Resolution Regime Instruments as Shown on the Example of the Act on Credit Unions] was prepared under the supervision of prof. dr. hab. Antoni Hanusz. In recognition of very good academic record, the Rector of UMCS awarded me on 17 July 2014 with a certificate of appreciation (Diploma Honorificum).
On 19 October 2017, I defended with honours my doctoral dissertation on the basis of the thesis Środki przymusowej restrukturyzacji banku w polskim porządku prawnym [Means of Special Bank Resolution Regime in the Polish Legal System] prepared under supervision of prof. dr. hab. Antoni Hanusz. The reviewers of the dissertation were: dr. hab. Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler, Professor at the Gdańsk University and dr hab. Patrycja Zawadzka, Professor at the Wrocław University. I was awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws by a resolution of the Board of the Faculty of Law and Administration of 15 November 2017. On 22 October 2018 the Rector awarded me with the 3rd Degree Individual Prize for an outstanding doctoral dissertation.
In December 2019 I obtained a research grant as part of the Miniatura 3 grant competition held by the National Science Centre for the implementation of the project "Systemy solidarnościowe banków spółdzielczych w porządkach prawnych państw Unii Europejskiej" [Solidarity Mutual Protection Systems for Cooperative Banks in Legal Systems of EU Members]. In 2023, the monograph received the 1st Degree Award in the category of doctoral and habilitation theses in the 19th edition of the National Cooperative Council Competition for the best research work in the field of cooperatives.
In 2024, based on the resolution of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Legal Sciences of UMCS, I obtained the degree of habilitated doctor in the field of social sciences in the discipline of legal sciences.
Active in the field of financial law with the following major research areas:
Academic achievements:
Research stays:
I carried out research activities as part of research trips and fellowships in the following foreign scientific centres: