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Instytut Nauk o Ziemi i Środowisku, Wydział NoZiGP, Pokój 118D Al. Kraśnicka 2d
20-718 Lublin
H-Index - 20
Wykaz publikacji naukowych:
34. Gebus-Czupyt B., Chmiel S., Kończak M.,Huber M., Stiess J., Radzikowska M., Stępniewski K., Pliżga M., Zielińska B., The Isotopic Composition of Selected Phosphate Sources (δ18O-PO4) from the Area of the Vistula and Bug Interfluve (Poland), (2024), Water, 16,2809,, (IF2023 = 3.0)
33. Sokołowski A., Boguszewska-Czubara A., Kobyłecki R., Zarzycki R., Kończak M., Oleszczuk P., Gao Y., Czech B., Increased oxygen content in biochar lowered bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons–related toxicity to various organisms, (2024), Bioresource Technology, 407, 131110,, (IF2023 = 9,7)
32. Chmiel S., Ziółek M., Kończak M., Pliżga M., Zielińska B., Maliszewski G., Biruk M., Duda-Saternus S., Assessment of the applicability of compact aerating reactors for the improvement of water quality in a small water body functioning in a agricultural catchment, (2024), Sustantability, 16(13), (IF2023 = 3,3)
31. Sokołowski A., Kończak M., Oleszczuk P., Gao Y., Czech B., Environmental and Food Contamination by Phthalic Acid Esters (PAEs): Overview, (2024), Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 235(5),313,, (IF2023 = 3,8)
30. Krzyszczak-Turczyn A., Dybowski M. P., Kończak M., Oleszczuk P., Czech B., Increased concentration of PAH derivatives in biochar-amended soilobserved in a long-term experiment, (2024), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 465, Article number 133159,, (IF2022 = 13,6)
29. Bober A., Drzymulska D., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Kończak M., Żarski M.,High-resolution record of Late Saalian and Eemian palaeoenvironments: the case study of Struga and Parysów (central Poland), (2023) Geological Quarterly, 67:37,, (IF2022 = 1,0)
28. M. Kończak, P. Godlewska, M. Wiśniewska, P. Oleszczuk, Chemical properties of soil determine the persistence and bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sewage sludge- or sewage sludge/biomass-derived biochar-amended soils, (2023), Environmental Pollution, 319, Article number 120909,, (IF2021 = 9,998)
27. D. Sugier, P. Sugier, J. Jakubowicz-Gil, U. Gawlik-Dziki, A. Zając, B. Król, S. Chmiel, M. Kończak, M. Pięt, R. Paduch, Nitrogen Fertilization and Solvents as Factors Modifying the Antioxidant and Anticancer Potential of Arnica montana L. Flower Head Extracts, (2023), Plants, 12, 142,, (IF2021 = 4,658)
26. P. Godlewska, M. Kończak, P. Oleszczuk, Effect of carrier gas change during sewage sludge or sewage sludge and willow pyrolysis on ecotoxicity of biochar-amneded soil (2022), Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 247, Article number 114224, (IF2021 = 7,129)
25. A. Krzyszczak, M. P. Dybowski, M. Kończak, B. Czech, Low bioavailability of derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in biochar obtained from different feedstock (2022), Environmental Research, 214, Article number 113787, (IF2021 = 8,431)
24. K. Shirvanimoghaddam, B. Czech, S. Abdikheibari, G. Brodie, M. Kończak, A. Krzyszczak, A. Al-Othman, M. Naebe, Microwave synthesis of biochar for environmental applications (2022), Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 161, Article number 105415, (IF2021: 6,437)
23. M. Kończak, M. Huber, Application of the engineered sewage sludge-derived biochar to minimize water eutrophication by removal of ammonium and phosphate ions from water, (2022) Journal of Cleaner Production, 331, Article number 129994,, (IF2021: 11,072)
22. K. Shirvanimoghaddam, B. Czech, K. Tyszczuk-Rotko, M. Kończak, S. M. Fakhrhoseini, R. Yadav, M. Naebe, Sustainable synthesis of rose flower-like magnetic biochar from tea waste for environmental applications, (2021) Journal of Advanced Research, 34, 13-27, (IF2021: 12,822)
21. I. Jośko, M. Kusiak, P. Oleszczuk, M. Świeca, M. Kończak, M. Sikora, Transcriptional and biochemical response of barley to co-exposure of metal-based nanoparticles (2021), Science of the Total Environment, 782, Article number 146883, (IF(5-years):6,419)
20. M. Kończak, A. Siatecka, M.A. Nazarkovsky, B. Czech, P. Oleszczuk, Sewage sludge and solid residues from biogas production as an effective bio-waste adsorbent of fulvic acids from water or wastewater (2021), Chemosphere, 278, Article number 130447, (IF(5-years): 5,705)
19. B. Czech, M. Kończak, M. Rakowska, P. Oleszczuk, Engineered biochars from organic wastes for the adsorption of diclofenac, naproxen and triclosan from water systems (2021), Journal of Cleaner Production, 288, Article number 125686, (IF(5-years): 7,491)
18. M. Kończak, P. Oleszczuk, Co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and biomass in carbon dioxide as a carrier gas affects the total and leachable metals in biochars (2020), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 400, Article number 123144, (IF(5-years): 8,512)
17. M. Kończak, B. Pan, Y. S. Ok, P. Oleszczuk, Carbon dioxide as a carrier gas and mixed feedstock pyrolysis decreased toxicity of sewage sludge biochar (2020), Science of the Total Environment, 723, Article number 137796, (IF(5-years):6,419)
16. A. Kalinowska, M. Szopińska, S. Chmiel, M. Kończak, Ż. Polkowska, W. Artichowicz, K. Jankowska, A. Nowak, A. Łuczkiewicz, Heavy Metals in a High Arctic Fiord and Their Introduction with the Wastewater:A Case Study of Adventfjorden-Longyearbyen System, Svalbard (2020), Water, 12, 794, (IF (5-years): 2,721)
15. P. Oleszczuk, B. Czech, M. Kończak, A. Bogusz, A. Siatecka, P. Godlewska, M. Wiesner, Impact of ZnO and ZnS nanoparticles in sewage sludge-amended soil on bacteria, plant and invertebrates (2019), Chemosphere, 237, Article number 124359, (IF(5-years): 5,705)
14. M. Kończak, Y. Gao, P. Oleszczuk, Carbon dioxide as a carrier gas and biomass addition decrease the total and bioavailable polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in biochar produced from sewage sludge (2019), Chemosphere, 228, pp.26-34, 5,705)
13. P. Godlewska, A. Siatecka, M. Kończak, P. Oleszczuk, Adsorption capacity of phenanthrene and pyrene to engineered biochars produced from sewage sludge and sewage sludge-biomass mixture in various gaseous conditions (2019), Bioresource Technology, 280, pp. 421-429, 7,270)
12. M. Kończak, P. Oleszczuk, K. Różyło, Application of different carrying gases and ratio between sewage sludge and willow for engineered (smart) biochar production (2019), Journal of CO2 Utilization, 29, pp. 20-28, (IF(5-years): 6,193)
11. M. Kończak, P. Oleszczuk, Application of biochar to sewage sludge reduces toxicity and improve organisms growth in sewage sludge-amended soil in long term field experiment (2018), Science of the Total Environment, 625, pp. 8-15, (IF(5-years): 6,419)
10. M. Stefaniuk1, D.C.W. Tsang, Y.S. Ok, P. Oleszczuk, A field study of bioavailable polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sewage sludge and biochar amended soils (2018), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 349, pp. 27-34 (IF(5-years): 8,512)
9. M. Stefaniuk1, P. Oleszczuk, K. Różyło, Co-application of sewage sludge with biochar increases disappearance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from fertilized soil in long term field experiment (2017), Science of the Total Environment, 599-600, pp. 854-862 6,419)
8. A. Bogusz, K. Nowak, M. Stefaniuk1,R. Dobrowolski, P. Oleszczuk, Synthesis of biochar from residues after biogas production with respect to cadmium and nickel removal from wastewater (2017), Journal of Environmental Management, 201, pp. 268-276 (IF(5-years): 5,708)
7. K. Różyło, M. Świeca, U. Gawlik-Dziki, M. Stefaniuk1, P. Oleszczuk, The potential of biochar for reducing the negative effects of soil contamination on the phytochemical properties and heavy metal accumulation in wheat grain (2017), Agricultural and Food Science, 26 (1), pp. 34-46, (IF: 1,54)
6. M. Stefaniuk1, P. Oleszczuk, P. Bartmiński, Chemical and ecotoxicological evaluation of biochar produced from residues from biogas production (2016), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 318, pp. 417-424,, (IF(5-years): 8,512)
5. M. Stefaniuk1, P. Oleszczuk, Addition of biochar to sewage sludge decreases freely dissolved PAHs content and toxicity in soil (2016), Environmental Pollution, 218, pp. 242-251, (IF(5-years): 6,939)
4. M. Stefaniuk1, P. Oleszczuk, The total and freely dissolved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons content in residues from biogas production (2016), Environmental Pollution, 208, pp. 787-795,, (IF(5-years): 6,939)
3. M. Stefaniuk1, P. Oleszczuk, Y. S. Ok, Review on nano zerovalent iron (nZVI): From synthesis to environmental applications (2016), Chemical Engineering Journal, 287, pp. 618–632, (IF(5-years): 9,430)
2. M. Stefaniuk1, P. Oleszczuk, Characterization of biochars produced from residues from biogas production (2015) Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 115, pp. 157-165 (IF(5-years): 4,296)
1. M. Stefaniuk1, P. Bartmiński, K. Różyło, R. Dębicki, P. Oleszczuk, Ecotoxicological assessment of residues from different biogas production plants used as fertilizer for soil (2015), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 298, pp. 195-201, (IF(5-years): 8,512)
Rozdział w Monografii:
2. I. A. Pidek , A. Hrynowiecka, R. Stachowicz-Rybka, M. Kupryjanowicz, M. Żarski, D. Drzymulska, M. Fiłoc, M. Suchora, S. Terpiłowski, P. Mroczek, K. Standzikowski, J. Nitychoruk, A. Poska, A. Zalat, M. Szymanek, A. Bober, D. Brzozowicz, K. Łabędzka, K. Stachowicz, M. Kończak, D. Portka, J. Dresler, K. Kultys, Od późnego glacjału warty do schyłku eemu w świetle wyników multidyscyplinarnych badań kopalnych osadów jeziornych Równiny Garwolińskiej (Centralna Polska) W: Glacjał i peryglacjał Europy Środkowej / Janicki Grzegorz [i in.] (red.), 2021, Lublin, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, s.251-256, ISBN 978-83-227-9496-8
1. I. Jośko, M. Stefaniuk1, P. Oleszczuk, Nanomaterials–Plant–Soil System: Challenges and Threats in Nanomaterials–Plant–Soil System (2017) Soil Biology. Springer, Cham, pp. 511–529,
1 prace zostały opublikowane pod panieńskim nazwiskiem – Stefaniuk
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Indywidualna nagroda Rektora UMCS w Lublinie za wyróżniającą się pracę w roku akademickim 2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021; 2021/2022, 2022/2023 oraz 2023/2024
01.07.2017 – 30.06.2018 Laureat Stypendium START - Edycja 2017
Zespołowa nagroda Rektora UMCS w Lublinie za oryginalne i twórcze osiągniecia naukowe w roku akademicki 2015/2016; 2016/2017; 2017/2018; 2021/2022 oraz 2022/2023