The adressbook

dr hab. Anna Wołowicz

Telephone number
81 537 57 27
E-mail address
Link do Bazy Wiedzy
Anna Wołowicz
Consultation, academic year 2024/2025 - summer semester:

Types of consultation:

In-person consultations: Wednesday 12:00 - 13:30 p.m., Little Chemistry building, room 14 or 15 (first floor)

Telephone consultations: 81 537 57 27

Email consultation:

Online consultation: video chat, chat, forum. Virtual Campus. By prior email arrangement.


Pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 2/14
20-031 Lublin

Scientific Activity


Sorption and separation of precious and heavy metals with particular consideration of ion exchange chromatography and environmental protection.

Scopus Author Identifier: 25629175200


Winner of the scholarship program "Scientific scholarships" - a project implemented under the Operational Program Human Capital, 2009.

Honorable mention of doctoral dissertation, 2010

Award of the 1st degree of dean in the competition for the best doctoral dissertation defended at the Faculty of Chemistry UMCS, 2010.

Winner of the prize of Aleksander Zamojski awarded to PTChem members for a distinguished doctoral dissertation defended before 30 years of age, 2011.

Obtaining a subsidy from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the development of young scientists, 2012.

Obtaining a subsidy from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the development of young scientists, 2016.

Obtaining funding for a single scientific action in the MINIATURE 1 competition (National Science Center), 2017.


1. A. Wołowicz, M. Wawrzkiewicz, Z. Hubicki, K. Siwińska-Ciesielczyk, A. Kubiak, T. Jesionowski, Enhanced removal of vanadium(V) from acidic streams using binary oxide systems of TiO2-ZrO2 and TiO2-ZnO type, Separation and Purification Technology, 280 (2022) 119916. MNISW =140, IF2019 = 7,312.

2. M. Wawrzkiewicz, A. Wołowicz, Z. Hubicki, Strongly basic anion exchange resin based on a cross-linked polyacrylate for simultaneous C.I. Acid Green 16, Zn(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) and phenol removal, Molecules 27(7) (2022) 2096. MNISW =140, IF2019 = 4,148.

3. Y-G. Chen, Q. Wang, A. Wołowicz, A. Gładysz-Płaska, M. Wawrzkiewicz, W. Sofińska-Chmiel, G-Y. Lv, D. Kołodyńska, S-H. Chen., Medical Plant Extract Purification from Cadmium(II) Using Modified Thermoplastic Starch and Ion Exchangers, Materials 14(16) (2021) 4734.MNISW =140, IF2019 = 3,6.

4. Y-G. Chen, X-L-S. He, J-H Huang, R. Luo, H-Z. Ge, A. Wołowicz, M. Wawrzkiewicz, A. Gładysz-Płaska, B. Li, Q-X. Yu, D. Kołodyńska,  G –Y Lv, S-H. Chen, Impacts of heavy metals and medicinal crops on ecological systems, environmental pollution, cultivation, and production processes in China, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 219, August 2021, 112336. MNISW =100, IF2019 = 4,872.