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Professor in International Relations Department, Institute of Political Science and Public Administration, Faculty of Political Science and Jurnalism, UMCS.
Education and training:
2016 – 2019 – Deputy Dean for Education, Faculty of Political Science UMCS;
2018 – Director of the Institute of Central Europe in Lublin;
Editor-in-chief of the “Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europe” (“Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej”).
Research areas:
Modern diplomacy – the process of change of diplomacy, its character and dynamics: foreign services, public diplomacy, e-diplomacy, diplomacy of non-state actors, paradiplomacy, European Union diplomacy (EEAS). The main effect of the research in this area is the monograph Evolution of contemporary diplomacy. Actors – structures - functions, Lublin 2015 (in Polish) as well as over 30 articles published in peer-reviewed scientific periodicals or as chapters in monographs and collective publications. They include among others: Diplomacy in late-westphalian international order, Tendencies in the evolution of contemporary diplomacy, New technologies in diplomacy, Summit Diplomacy, Diplomacy of Non-Governmental Organizations, European External Action Service – a new model of diplomacy, The evolution of Polish MFA organization structure since 1989. The political analysis. International place branding - nation branding, region and city branding (how to create, manage and communicate place brands). Issues in the Ukrainian foreign policy and Polish-Ukrainian relations. The main scientific and research achievement is the monograph Contemporary Polish-Ukrainian Relations. A Political Analysis of the Treaty on Good Neighbourliness, Lublin 2002 as well as about 15 articles.
Research grants:
Memberships and affiliations:
Member of Polish International Studies Association;
Member of the Board of International Research Foundation.