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Środa/ Wednesday
12.00 - 13.00
online (Teams) by appointment
e-mail: katarzyna.sokolowska@mail.umcs.pl
Personal information
Joseph Conrad
Virginia Woolf
English literature of XIX and XX centuries
modernism and British literature
philosophcial aspects of literature
philosophy and literary modernism
Scientific Activity
Conrad and Turgenev: Towards the Real. Boulder: East European Monographs; Lublin: Maria Curie-Skłodowska UP; New York: Columbia UP, 2011. Tom 20 w serii Conrad: Eastern and Western Perspectives. Redakcja naukowa serii Wiesław Krajka. 23 tomy od 1992-.
Metafizyka i sztuka w twórczości Virginii Woolf. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, 2014.
"Conrad’s and Turgenev’s Unheroic Heroes” [w:] Die Welt der Slaven. München-Berlin 56.1 (2011): 171-197.
„Subverting Teleological Patterns in Conrad and Turgenev” [w:] From Szlachta Culture to the XXI Century, Between East and West. New Essays on Joseph Conrad’s Polishness. Red. Wiesław Krajka; Boulder: East European Monographs; Lublin: Maria Curie-Skłodowska UP; New York: Columbia UP, 2013. 355-377. Tom 22 w serii Conrad: Eastern and Western Perspectives. Redakcja naukowa serii Wiesław Krajka. 23 tomy od 1992-.
„Plotting History: ‘Il Conde’” [w:] Short Story Criticism. Tom 194. Red. Lawrence J. Trudeau. Detroit, New York, San Francisco: Layman Poupard Publishing, 2014. 232-234. Reprint.
„The Dionysian in Virginia Woolf’s Between the Acts” [w:] Visions and Revisions. Studies in Literature and Culture. Red. G. Czemiel, J. Galant, A. Kędra-Kardela, A.Kędzierska, M.Komsta. Frankfurt am Main: 2015, Peter Lang. 141-148.
“Challenging the Modern Subject in Joseph Conrad’s ‘The Planter of Malata.’” Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 67.4 (2019): 341–357. [ISSN (Print) 0044-2305]
“Identity and Individuation in ‘A Smile of Fortune’ by Joseph Conrad.” Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich 62.1 (129) (2019): 11-26. [PL ISSN 0084-4446] Doi: 10.26485/ZRL/2019/62.1/1
“The Visual and Beyond in Conrad’s ‘The Return.’” Some Intertextual Chords of Joseph Conrad’s Literary Art. Ed. W. Krajka. Conrad: Eastern and Western Perspectives vol. 28. New York, Lublin: ColumbiaUniversity Press, Maria Curie-Skłodowska Press, 2019. 203-226. [ISBN 978-83-227-9186-8]
“Marlow’s gaze in ‘Lord Jim’ by Joseph Conrad: Between light and shadows”. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 54 (2019): 199–218. [ISSN 0081-6272]. Doi: 10.2478/stap-2019-0010