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Scientific experience includes over 30 years of work in the PTŚ UMCS technology team. The main scientific interests concern the technology of producing silica glass and high silica glasses by the MCVD and FCVD methods as well as the assembly method used for the production of preforms for microstructural optical fibers. In addition to research issues, my duties include constant supervision over MCVD and FCVD technological lines and their modification for the production of preforms for optical fibers with shaped properties.
Scientific projects implemented in recent years:
1. H2020-ICT-2016-2017 - ACceleraTing PHotonics innovAtion for SME’s: a one STop-shop-incubator ACTPHAST 4.0
2. Polish-Berlin competition in the photonics field (NCBiR) - Semiconductor source of single photons for secure fiber optic quantum communication in the range of 1.3µm
3. MAESTRO 8 (NCN) - Spiral photonic optical fibers for metrology and optical communication applications
4. Strategic program of scientific research and development "Modern material technologies" - TECHMATSTRATEG (NCBiR) - Nanostructural photonic optical fibers for multi-mode new generation propagation
5. ICT-04-2018 (H2020) - ACceleraTing Photonics Deployment viA one STop shop Advanced Technology Access for Researchers ACTPHAST 4R
6. Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 - NLPQT- National Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Technologies
7. Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 - Disspersion-engineered fiber modules for tunable lasersources
8. Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 - Innovative optical fibers dedicated to integration with the polymer composite structure reinforced with carbon fiber in modern high resolution structural diagnostics applications
9. Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 - Optical fibers dedicated for secure data transmission in transmission systems using optical multiplexing
10. Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020 - New complex lanthanide compounds for fiber lasers and optical amplifiers technology
11. H2020 - Acceleration of photonic innovations for MSP: one-stop-shop incubato
The most important publications:
1, K. Tarnowski, T. Martynkien, P. Mergo, K. Poturaj, G. Soboń, and W. Urbańczyk, "Coherent supercontinuum generation up to 2.2 µm in an all-normal dispersion microstructured silica fiber," Opt. Express 24, 30523-30536 (2016). (IF: 3.307, LM:40pkt).
2. Napierała, M., Ziołowicz, A., Pytel, A., Szostkiewicz, Ł., Murawski, M., Tenderenda, T., Ostrowski, Ł., Szymański, M., Jóźwik, M., Filipowicz, M., Makara, M., Poturaj, K., Mergo, P., Nasiłowski, T., Multicore optical fibres for next generation telecommunication transmission systems and components, Photonics Letters of Poland, 7 (3), pp. 66-68, 2015.
3. Ziolowicz, A., Szymanski, M., Szostkiewicz, L., Tenderenda, T., Napierala, M., Murawski, M., Holdynski, Z., Ostrowski, L., Mergo, P., Poturaj, K., Makara, M., Slowikowski, M., Pawlik, K., Stanczyk, T., Stepien, K., Wysokinski, K., Broczkowska, M., Nasilowski, T., Hole-assisted multicore optical fiber for next generation telecom transmission systems, Applied Physics Letters, 105 (8), art. no. 081106, 2014.
4. Tarnowski K., Anuszkiewicz A., Poturaj K., Mergo P., Urbanczyk W., Birefringent optical fiber with dispersive orientation of polarization axes, OPTICS EXPRESS, 22, 25347 – 25353 (2014)
Received awards:
2015 - Gold medal at the 63rd World Fair of Inventions, Research and New Techniques BRUSSELS INNOVA in Brussels "Microstructural polymer optical fibers"
2018 - Maria Curie Scientific Award