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PhD in Film Studies (degree obtained at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland in 2010). In 2012 he authored a book „Akira Kurosawa. Artist of the Borderland”, in 2016 and 2019 he co-edited two monographs “Obsession. Perversion. Rebellion. Twisted Dreams of Central European Animation” and “Propaganda, Ideology, Animation. Twisted Dreams of History”. Co-author of a book „Beyond Cinema Screen” that published in 2021. Currently he holds a position of associate professor at the Faculty of Humanities of the Marie Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. He is a programme director and co-founder of StopTrik International Film Festival (Slovenia/Poland), an event dedicated to the art of stop motion animation that was established in 2010. He collaborates with various European film festivals and culture institutions as a curator and activist. He has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles and chapters in books as well as popular film critiques mainly discussing issues of Japanese and American cinema and art-house animated film. He speaks Polish, English, Serbo-Croatian and Russian
Research interests:
genre cinema (history and theory); animation studies; comparative cultural studies (especially contexts of USA, Japan, the Balkans and Russia); Yugoslav and post-Yugoslav cinema; American and Soviet mass culture of the Cold War period; research and practical workshops in the field of animated music video
Chapters in monographs and articles in academic periodicals:
Bobrowski, M., Bobrowska, O.,《定格动画或电影之魂》[Stop Motion Animation or the Soul of Cinema], transl. Zhao Xuetong,《当代动画》 ["Contemporary Animation"] 2019 (07/15), no 289, pp. 108-115.
Bobrowski, M., Ideological Hall of Mirrors. Reflections of Soviet Propaganda in American Propaganda of the 1940s and 1950s, [in:] Propaganda, Ideology, Animation. Twisted Dreams of History, Olga Bobrowska, Michał Bobrowski, Bogusław Zmudziński [eds.], AGH University of Science and Technology Press: Kraków 2019, pp. 39-68.
Bobrowski, M., Subversive Machinery: DIY Method in the Work of Julian Antonisz, [in:] Global Animation Theory. International Perspectives at Animafest Zagreb, Franziska Bruckner, Holger Lang, Nikica Gilić, Daniel Šuljić, Hrvoje Turković [eds.], Bloomsbury: London, New York, Sydney, Dehli 2019, pp. 213-232.
Bobrowska, O., Bobrowski, M., Młoda polska animacja. W stronę kobiecej nowej fali [Young Polish Animation. Towards Women's New Wave], “EKRANy” [“SCREENs”] 2018, no 2(42), pp. 30-35.
Bobrowski, M., Imitacja, rekonstrukcja, propaganda. Zimnowojenne wędrówki europejskiego westernu [Imitation, Reconstruction, Propaganda. Cold War Wanderings of the European Western], "Kwartalnik Filmowy" [“Film Quarterly”] 2017, no 97-98, pp. 15-42.
Bobrowska, O., Bobrowski, M., Animacja przedmiotowa (stop motion) – nurty, granice, konteksty [Stop Motion Animation – Currents, Boundaries, Contexts], "Czas Kultury" [“Time of Culture”] 2017, no 1, pp. 28-34.
Bobrowski, M., Subverzivna mašinerija. Filozofija uradi-sam u filmovima Juliana Antonisza (Abstract: Subversive Machinery. DIY Philosophy in Films of Julian Antonisz), “Hrvatski filmski ljetopis” [“Croatian Film Annual”] 2016, no. 86-87, pp. 197, 207-208.
Bobrowski, M., From Eternity to Here and Now. The Journey of No Return in the Films of Zdzisław Kudła, [in:] Obsession, Perversion, Rebellion. Twisted Dreams of Central European Animation, Michał Bobrowski, Olga Bobrowska [eds.], Gallery Bielska BWA: Bielsko-Biała, Kraków 2016, pp. 83-98.
Bobrowski, M., Rozkuty z łańcuchów. Czarnoskóry bohater westernów [Unchained: A Black Hero of Western], [in:] Kino afroamerykańskie. Twórcy, dzieła zjawiska [Afro-American Cinema. The Artists, The Works, The Phenomena], Ewa Drygalska, Marcin Pieńkowski [eds.], Wydawnictwo Naukowe Katedra: Gdańsk 2015, pp. 305-340.
Bobrowski, M., Seijun Suzuki: jaskrawe barwy buntu [Seijun Suzuki: Flaming Colors of Rebellion], [in:] Autorzy kina azjatyckiego II [Authors of Asian Cinema II], Agnieszka Kamrowska [ed.], EKRANy: Kraków 2015, pp.147-178.
Bobrowski, M., Generic Borderlands: Notes on the Intertextual Dialogue between Samurai Film and Western, “Silva Iaponicarum” 2015, no 1 (Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter), pp. 11-26.
Bobrowski, M., Gatunkowe pogranicza. Samurajskie filmy Hideo Goshy [Generic Borderlands. Samurai films of Hideo Gosha], “Literaria Copernicana” 2014, no 2(14), pp. 208-223.
Bobrowski, M., Trzy oblicza samuraja [The Three Appearances of The Samurai], [in:] Adaptacje literatury japońskiej [Adaptations of Japanese Literature], Krzysztof Loska [ed.], Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego: Kraków 2012, pp. 109-128.
Bobrowski, M., Disturbing The Balance. Woody Allen Read Dostoyevsky, “Slavia Centralis” 2011, no 2(4), pp. 82-93.
Bobrowski, M., Człowiek w kosmosie społeczeństwa. Piętno śmierci Akiry Kurosawy w kontekście filozofii konfucjańskiej [The Man in the Social Cosmos. Akira Kurosawa’s Ikiru in the Context of Confucius’ Philosophy], [in:] Akira Kurosawa – twórca japoński, twórca światowy [Akira Kurosawa – A Japanese Author, A World Author], Wioletta Laskowska-Smoczyńska, Piotr Kletowski [ed.s], Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej manggha: Kraków 2010, pp. 23-34.
Bobrowski, M., Ciemna strona mitu. Rzecz o związkach westernu i kina czarnego [Dark Side of The Myth. Relations of Western and Film Noir], “Studia Filmoznawcze” [“Film Studies”] 2010, no 31, pp. 101-122.
Bobrowski, M., Akira Kurosawa. W szerokiej perspektywie [Akira Kurosawa. The Wide Perspective], [in:] Autorzy kina azjatyckiego [Authors of Asian Cinema], Alicja Helman, Agnieszka Kamrowska [eds.], Wydawnictwo Rabid: Kraków 2010, pp. 149-180.
Bobrowski, M., Ziarno jałmużny. Kurosawa czyta Dostojewskiego [Grain of Alms. Kurosawa Reads Dostoyevsky], “Studia Filmoznawcze” [“Film Studies”] 2009, no 30, pp. 29-44.
Bobrowski, M., Filmy z filmów i kino o kinie; Los obywatela Birkuta [Films from Films, Cinema about Cinema; The Fate of Citizen Birkut], [in:] „To, co ulepsza”. Historia i współczesność w filmach Andrzeja Wajdy [“This What Brings Improvement”. History and Contemporaneity in the Films of Andrzej Wajda], Olga Katafiasz [ed.], Wydawnictwo Rupella: Kraków 2009, pp. 49-54, 113-120.
Bobrowski, M., Odmienność podobieństw, czyli melodramat po japońsku [Dissimilarity of Resemblances. Melodrama in Japanese], “Studia Filmoznawcze” [“Film Studies”] 2008, no 29, pp. 89-111.
Bobrowski, M., Woody Allen – Obydwie strony ekranu [Woody Allen – Both Sides of the Screen], [in:] Mistrzowie kina amerykańskiego. Bunt i nostalgia [Masters of American Cinema. Rebellion and Nostalgia], Łukasz A. Plesnar, Rafał Syska [eds.], Rabid: Kraków 2007, pp. 451-482.
Bobrowski, M., O drodze, która stoi wyżej niż sprawiedliwość. Etyczne poglądy Akiry Kurosawy [The Way Which Stands Higher Than Justice. The Ethical Views of Akira Kurosawa], “Studia Filmoznawcze” [“Film Studies”] 2007, no 28, pp. 83-98.
Bobrowski, M., Synkretyczne wartości kultury japońskiej na przykładzie filmu „Rikyu” Hiroshi Teshigahary [Syncretic Qualities of Japanese Culture. Rikyu by Hiroshi Toshigahara], Biografistyka Filmowa [Film Biopic], [in:] Sylwia Kołos, Tadeusz Szczepański [eds.], Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek: Toruń 2007, pp. 257-265.
Bobrowski, M., Oswajanie nieznanego. Obrazy zaświatów w kinie popularnym [Familiarizing the Unknown. Images of Hereafter in Popular Cinema], “Zeszyty Kulturoznawcze” [“Cultural Studies Notebooks”] 2004, no 5, pp. 65-70.
Participation in conferences: