Підрозділи та працівники – адресна книга

dr inż. Miłosz Huber

supervisor of Electron and Optical Microscopy Laboratory, 2011-2012 a of Sciences Festival coordinator in the area of Lublin on behalf on the Maria Curie –Skłodowska University (UMSC), since 2001 a member of the PTMin and PIG
Telephone number
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Link do Bazy Wiedzy
Miłosz Huber
I invite you to consultations on my office or the virtual campus:

Tuesday 12.00-13.00, Thursday 11.30-12.30


(open course)


al. Krasnickie 2d/107, 108
20-718 Lublin

Personal information



15 years of practicing   as a university teacher (also a leader of Student`s Associations since 1998) and researcher, a supervisor  of Electron and Optical Microscopy Laboratory – among others :electron microscopy with EDS, EBSD, CL additions (corticated by Thermo and Horiba) and optical polarized microscopy (Leica, granulometer Master Sizer G3), computer skills (office, open office, Linux, HTML, digital graphics –gimp, basic C++ and Turbo Pascal), fractal analysis.


English (communicative), Russian (fluently in speaking and writting), Spanish (basic), German (basic).


2011-2012 a of Sciences Festival coordinator in the area of Lublin on behalf on the Maria Curie –Skłodowska University (UMSC), since 2008 Assistant Professor, Assistant in UMSC Lublin (2006-2007) and the Catholic University of Lublin (2008) and AGH (2001-2005), since 2001 a member of the Polish Mineralogical Society, and Polish Geological Society, in 2008-2009, vice-president of the branch of Alpine Tourist Section in Lublin, co-editor of "Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences", international cooperation with the Kola Geological Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1998), the Murmansk State Technical University, the Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology in St. Petersburg (2003), the University of Oulu (within the Socrates-Erasmus in 2009), 14 expertise: - Ministry of Higher Education (11 reviews research projects) and the Office of Forensic (2) Tobacco plants (1), 4 patent applications (2012, 2013). Organization of Earth Day, UMCS Promotion Days (since 2006), organizing committee in conferences (SGA-SEG 2001, Applied Crystallography 2004, Sotama 2004, Dating of Minerals and Rocks 2008), scientific expeditions (1998-2013 the Kola Peninsula, 2000 and 2001 Lake Baikal, 2010 to the south Europe), 3 reviews scientific articles

Additional courses:


Postgraduate studies: “Research projects management and work development (2013 with honors, The University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin), postgraduate studies "Intellectual Property" (UMSC), "Science for the Economy Program participation," funded by the EU (2012), crystallochemistry and geology courses in Jagiellonian University (2000-2001), solid-state physics at AGH (2003-2004), "Modeling neural network", "Logic Programming", "Parallel MATLAB" (2011), "Non-destructive testing of structural materials", "Innovation, Research and Commercialization of knowledge "(2012), a  car license category A and B.


photography, video filming, motorcycle traveling, since 2012, a happy father of a son.

Scientific Activity

Rock and mineral research.

Environmental analyzes.

Materials research (microanalysis, stable isotope analysis, ICP chemistry).

Research tasks carried out:

Determination of the evolution of the Earth's crust at the turn of the Archaic and Paleoproterozoic using geochemical, isotopic and petrological methods on the example of the Arctic part of the Fennoscandian shield. (habilitation topic).
Determination of the influence of meteorite rocks on the geochemistry of primitive continents in the hadaiku (together with prof. T. Bayanova from the Russian Academy of Sciences).
Determination of the influence of a series of alkaline intrusions on the remaining rocks of the East European Craton.
Environmental research of the Lublin and Arctic region.
Research with the use of optical and electron microscopy.


Huber M., 2013; Petrological characteristics of the metamorphosed metaintrusives in amphibolite and granulite facies of the Kandalaksha part of Lapland Granulite Belt (Kola Peninsula, NW Russia), Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences, 2013, Vol 3, Issue 2, E39-E46

Superson J, Huber M, Zgłobicki W.; 2013, Conditions of development of structural relief in crystalline rocks (case study: Murmansk Upland and Kandalaksha region, Kola Peninsula, Russia), Landform Analysis, Vol. 22: 103–109,

Huber M., Hałas S., Serov P.A., Ekimova N.A., Bayanova T.B, 2013; Stable isotope geochemistry and Sm-Nd, U-Pb dating of sulphides from layered intrusions in the northern part of Baltic Shield, Central European Geology, vol. 56, 2-3, 134-135.

Huber M., Hałas S., Lata L., 2013; Study of δ34S and  chemical composition of sulfides from alkaline intrusion  in se part of Khibina Massif (Kola Pennisula, N Russia), Central European Geology, vol. 56, 2-3, 135-136.

Huber M., Blicharska E., Chmiel S., Braczkowski M., Muraczyńska B., Kocjan R., Oszust K.,2013; Application of electron and optical microscopy in biomedical research. XII International Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy., 181

Huber M., Lata L., Kramarz P., Oszust K., Frąc M., 2013; Evaluation of geochemical and microbiological properties  in soils from selected regions of the Kola Peninsula. XII International Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy., 183

Huber M.,Lata L.,2013; Characteristic and comparasion of the phonolite (Opolno Zdr, SW Poland), and lujawrite rocks from LovozieroMt. (Kola Pen., Baltic Shield) used by SEM –EDS and chemical method. XII International Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy., 182

Huber M.,2013; Geochemical characteristic of Kandalakshan part of Lapland Granulite Belt of Kola Peninsula (Northern Russia). XII International Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy., 179

Huber M., Chmiel S., Kramarz P., Oszust K., Blicharska E. Szwed W.4, 2013; Characteristics of surface water from selected regions of the Kola Peninsula. XII International Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy., 180