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Magdalena Grabias is an Assistant Professor and a Deputy Head of the Institute of Cultural Studies at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland. She received her PhD in Cultural Studies in 2012. She specialises in Film Studies, Gothic Studies, Dracula Studies, literary translation and music journalism. She was the co-organiser of the Fourth World Dracula Congress in Dublin (2016) as well as numerous conferences in Poland. She is a cofounder of the international organisation “Children of the Night” and a co-organiser of International Dracula Congress series. Her academic publications include books: Songs of Innocence and Experience: Romance in the Cinema of Frank Capra (UK, 2013), Visual Culture: Art, Popular Culture and Digital Media (Poland, 2020), as well as numerous articles in English, Polish and Romanian propagating film, music and theatre viewed from the perspective of philosophy, semiotics, anthropology and popular culture. Over the last decade, her academic interest has been focused on Dracula and Vampire Studies, which resulted in a series of articles discussing the subject of literary and cinematic vampires and their meaning in contemporary culture. In 2019 she received the prestigious “International Helion Award” from the science fiction cultural association “Helion” in Timișoara, Romania.
PUBLICATIONS: ORCID: 0000-0001-6987-1793
Songs of Innocence and Experience: Romance in the Cinema of Frank Capra, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013.
Seria Ścieżki Kultury, tom 1: Wizualność w kulturze. Sztuka, kultura popularna i media cyfrowe, red. Ewa Głażewska i Magdalena Grabias, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin, 2020.
"Children of the Night" Dracula International Congress (virtual event) April 16-18, 2021, Book of Abstracts, ed. Magdalena Grabias, Hans Corneel de Roos, Florin Nechita, Universitatea Babeș Bolyai Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj, Romania, 2021.
"Children of the Night" – Vampires in Literature, Film and Folklore, in Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brașov. Series IV: Philology and Cultural Studies, Volume 14 (63) Special Issue (2021), ed. Magdalena Grabias, Hans Corneel de Roos, Cristain Pralea, Florin Nechita. Brașov, Romania, 2021.
"Patchwork Gothic in Polish Vampire Films", Kultura i Społeczeństwo, Polska Akademia Nauk: Komitet Socjologii, Instytut Studiów Politycznych, tom 68, nr. 3, wrzesień 2024, pp. 121-141.
"Paradoxes of Time Travel in Juliusz Machulski’s Cinema", Perspektywy Kultury, 3(42), Wydawnictwo Ignatianum, Kraków, wrzesień 2023, pp. 471–485.
"Dracula and the Gothic legacy: Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat’s BBC television series", Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance, Volume 14, Number 3, 1 December 2021, pp. 281–305.
"Droga, podróż, wędrówka w Tylko kochankowie przeżyją Jima Jarmuscha", Humaniora, Nr 2 (30)/2020, s. 91–100, Poznań.
"Humanity, Gender, Tradition and Family Values: Female Vampires in Contemporary Youth Oriented Cinema and TV”, Seria Ścieżki Kultury, tom 1: Wizualność w kulturze. Sztuka, kultura popularna i media cyfrowe, red. Ewa Głażewska i Magdalena Grabias, Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2020.
"What We Fear and What We Desire: The Nature of Fear and Terror in Vampire Oriented Cinema", Facing Our Darkness: Manifestations of Fear, Horror and Terror, ed. Laura Colmenero-Chilberg and Ferenc Mújdricza, Brill, 2019, pp. 1-10.
"De la prădători la oameni - O imagine a vampirilor postmilenari în cinematografie și televiziune", Helion Science Fiction, nr. 5-6/2019, Timişoara, Rumunia. (In Romanian).
"Natura cinematografiei Steampunk", Biblioteca Nova: Buletin de Teorie, Critică și Istorie a Literaturii Science Fiction, Serie Nouă, Numărul 15: "Ficțiunea speculativă și frontierele posibilului", Timişoara 2019, s. 153-160. (In Romanian).
"De la prădători la oameni - O imagine a vampirilor postmilenari în cinematografie și televiziune", Biblioteca Nova: Buletin de Teorie, Critică și Istorie a Literaturii Science Fiction, Serie Nouă, Numărul 15: "Ficțiunea speculativă și frontierele posibilului", Timişoara 2019, s. 167-173. (In Romanian).
„Dracula. Nowe perspektywy badawcze", Perspektywy Kultury, nr. 2 (25)/2019, Wydawnictwo Ignatianum, Kraków, s. 193-198.
"Steampunk Visions: Retro-futurism in Cinema and Television" Kultura i Historia, nr 34/2018, s. 122-133.
„Wampiry na Mazurach: Demoniczny świat w Kołysance Juliusza Machulskiego" Kultura i Historia nr 33/2018, s. 242-251.
„Pożegnanie z Draculą. Jak współczesne kino uśmierciło demona", Oblicza wampiryzmu, red. Anna Depta, Szymon Cieśliński, Michał Wolski (Wrocław: Stowarzyszenie Badaczy Popkultury i Edukacji Popkulturowej „Trickster”, 2018), s. 109-123.
"Clive Nolan: Ransom Notes", Classic Rock Society Magazine, UK, January/February 2018, pp. 36-37.
"Gothic and Horror in Contemporary Cinema and Television: Aesthetic Experience and Emotional Impact", Dracula: An International Perspective, ed. Marius-Mircea Crișan (United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), pp. 227-242.
"Horror and Humour in Vampire Oriented Cinema", Kultura i Historia nr. 32/2017, s. 109-126.
„Oblicza strachu we współczesnym horrorze filmowym”, Anatomia strachu. Strach, lęk i ich oblicza we współczesnej kulturze, red. Bogusława Bodzioch-Bryła, Lilianna Dorak-Wojakowska (Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Ignatianum, 2017), s. 417-428.
"Vampire Identities in Contemporary Youth-Oriented Cinema and Television", Visions of Identity. Global Film & Media, ed. Phillip Drummond (London: The London Symposium, 2016) pp. 208-219.
"What We Fear and What We Desire: The Nature of Fear and Terror in Vampire Oriented Cinema", Facing Our Darkness: Manifestations of Fear, Horror and Terror, ed. Laura Colmenero-Chilberg and Ferenc Mújdricza (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2015) pp. 3-10.
"Frank Capra’s Bedford Falls as Axis Mundi," Exploring Space: Spacial Notions in Cultural, Literary and Language Studies; Volume One: Space in Cultural and Literary Studies, ed. Andrzej Ciuk and Katarzyna Molek-Kozakowska (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010) pp. 361-369
„Wajda widziany przez ocean,” Akcent 2009 nr 116, s. 190-192.
The Greatest Vampire Scholars in the world - Children of the Night Dracula Congress! An interview with Magdalena Grabias and the organisers of the series of international academic conferences "Children of the Night: International Dracula Congress". Interviewed by LA based director Sean Rourke for "The Vampire's Castle". November 2022.
Canadian "Morbid Planet" filmed "The Dracula Project" as part of the celebrations of 125th anniversary of the publication of "Dracula" by Bram Stoker. Dr Magdalena Grabias participated in the following episodes amongst the finest Dracula scholars from all over the world: Dracula Project: part 1, Dracula Project: part 2, Dracula Project: part 3.
Academic seminars entitled "Dracula's Place: Horror, Gothic and Dracula Studies" were intiated by Professor Enrique A. Palafox from Iberoamericana University in Mexico City, Mexico. The seminars are the result of the international cooperation between Enrique A. Palafox (Mexico), dr Magdalena Grabias and dr Yuri Garcia (Brasil). The episodes filmed between May and July 2021 are available below: Week 1: Introduction, Week 2: Dracula 124 anniversary, Week 3: Castle Dracula, Week 4: From Dracula to Twilight, Week 5: Jonathan Harker, Week 6: A Conversation with Hans Corneel de Roos, Week 7: Evil Count Dracula, Week 8: A Conversation with Dacre Stoker
Podcast "UMCS dla nauki", November 2021: Skąd się wzięła moda na Halloween? https://www.spreaker.com/user/umcs/grabias
TVP3 Lublin "Login: Nauka", October 2019: Laureatka nagrody Helion International 2019 https://lublin.tvp.pl/44977890/22-pazdziernika-2019
An Interview in Irish Examiner, October 2016. "How has the modern picture of a vampire changed from Bram Stoker's original?"
Film and Media 2014 'Visions of Identity: Global Film & Media' The Fourth Annual London Film and Media Conference, London, UK: Thursday 26 - Saturday 28 June, 2014.
8th Global Conference: Fear, Horror and Terror, InterDisciplinary, Oxford, UK: September 2014.
Daughter of Fangdom: A Conference on Women and the Television Vampire, University of Roehampton, London, UK: April 2015.
BBEC - The International Conference Beliefs and Behaviours in Education and Culture: (De)Constructing Stereotypes, West University of Timișoara, Romania: June 2015.
Anatomia strachu. Strach, lęk i ich oblicza we współczesnej kulturze, Kraków: marzec 2016.
Forth World Dracula Congress, Dublin, Ireland: October 2016. (organiser, plenary speaker, Scientific Committee member), http://tsdcon25.com/
Postacie demoniczne w kulturze, Lublin: kwiecień 2017. (organizatorka, członkini Rady Naukowej, prelegentka), http://postdem.umcs.pl/
Helion International Conference "Frontiers of the Possible: Borders and Openings in Speculative Fiction", Helion Circle in collaboration with West University of Timişoara, Romania: May 2017. (plenary speaker, Scientific Committee member)
Gothic Style(s), Gothic Substance: Gothic Manchester Festival Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University. UK, October 2017.
Helion International Conference "Frontiers of the Possible: Borders and Openings in Speculative Fiction", Helion Circle in collaboration with West University of Timişoara, Romania: May 2018. (plenary speaker, Scientific Committee member)
Children of the Night: A Cross Platform Dracula Congress in cooperation with Transilvania Univeristy of Brașov, Romania: October 17th-19th, 2018. (organizator, członkini Rady Naukowej, gość specjalny), https://dracongress.jimdo.com/
Helion International Conference "Frontiers of the Possible: Borders and Openings in Speculative Fiction", Helion Circle in collaboration with West University of Timişoara, Romania: April 2019. (plenary speaker, Scientific Committee member)
Cmentarz - dziedzictwo materialne i duchowe, Instytut Kulturoznawstwa Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie oraz Stowarzyszenie „Studnia Pamięci”, październik 2019.
Children of the Night: International Dracula Congress in cooperation with Transilvania Univeristy of Brașov, Romania and Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland: April 16th-18th, 2021. (organiser, scientific committee member, keynote speaker), https://dracongress.jimdo.com/
Helion International Conference "Travel Through The Paradoxes of Time, Utopia, and Fantasy", Helion Cultural Association in Timișoara, Romania: May 15th-16th, 2021.
IV Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa “Kultura we współczesnym świecie” (online), Fundacja Tygiel, Lublin, Poland: February 17th, 2022. (scientific committee member)
Helion International Conference "Travel Through The Paradoxes of Time, Utopia, and Fantasy II", Helion Cultural Association in Timișoara, Romania: May 7th-8th, 2022.
The International Vampire Film and Arts Festival and University of South Wales, The 6th Vampire Academic Conference 'Vampires Through the Ages' June 2022, Insole Court Mansion, Cardiff, Wales.
Gothic Interruptions. The 16th International Gothic Association (IGA) Conference, 26th-29th July 2022, Trinity College Dublin.
"Children of the Night: International Dracula Congress" in cooperation with Transilvania Univeristy of Brașov, Romania, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland, State University of Rio de Janeiro in Brasil, The Dracula Store in Mexico: November 18-20, 2022. (organiser, scientific committee member), https://dracongress.jimdo.com/
Helion International Conference "The Images of Scinece Fiction", Helion Cultural Association in Timișoara, Romania: May 20th-21st, 2023. (gość specjalny, członkini komitetu naukowego).
Ogólnopolska Studencka Konferencja "Film w kulturze", Studenckie Koło Naukowe Kultury i Sztuki (Instytut Nauk o Kulturze, UMCS): 5 czerwca 2023. (współorganizatorka - opiekunka Studenckiego Koła Naukowego Kultury i Sztuki, członkini rady naukowej, wykład ekspercki).
"Children of the Night: International Dracula Congress" in cooperation with Transilvania Univeristy of Brașov, Romania, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland, State University of Rio de Janeiro in Brasil, The Dracula Fun Club in Mexico: Brașov, Romania October 27-30, 2023. (organizator, członkini rady naukowej, keynote speaker), https://dracongress.jimdofree.com/programme-2023/
Ogólnopolska Studencka Konferencja "Film w kulturze", Studenckie Koło Naukowe Kultury i Sztuki (Instytut Nauk o Kulturze, UMCS): 7 czerwca 2024. (opiekunka Studenckiego Koła Naukowego Kultury i Sztuki, członkini rady naukowej, wykład ekspercki).
Music and Theatre activities (CD/Vinyl/DVD/Bluray):
Dr Magdalena Grabias is part of the British Caamora Theatre Company and Caamora Norway. The realeases with her participations are listed below:
Clive Nolan, Alchemy, CD Metal Mind Productions, Poland 2013.
Caamora Norway: Clive Nolan & Friends, 'A Taste of Alchemy & More...' Live in Norway, Bluray, Norway 2016.
Clive Nolan, King's Ransom, CD, DVD (dokument), Verglas Music, UK 2017.
Clive Nolan, King's Ransom, Vinyl, We Låve Rock Music, Norway 2018.
Caamora Norway, Alchemy Live in Mysen, DVD/Bluray, We Låve Rock Music,
Norway 2018.
Clive Nolan, Song of the Wildlands, CD/Earbook/Vinyl, Crime Records and We Låve Rock Music, Norway 2021.