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Edyta Frelik jest adiunktem w Katedrze Anglistyki i Amerykanistyki Instytutu Językoznawstwa i Literaturoznawstwa. Prowadzi zajęcia na temat sztuki i muzyki amerykańskiej, filmu, mass mediów i kultury popularnej Stanów Zjednoczonych. Jej zainteresowania naukowe obejmują twórczość literacką malarzy amerykańskich oraz związki między literaturą a sztuką wizualną. Obecny projekt badawczy poświęcony jest postawom modernistycznych artystów amerykańskich wobec intelektu, intelektualizmu, nauki i technologii.
Research Interests: My research efforts focus upon the intersection of literature and visual arts, American artists’ writings as well as their intellectual preoccupations. My current project is centered on modern art and modernism in relation to (anti-)intellectualism, science and technology.
kwiecień 2013 - doktor nauk humanistycznych UMCS;
maj 2013 - nagroda Smithsonian Institution i Terra Foundation for American Art za najlepszy artykuł autora spoza Stanów Zjednoczonych na temat sztuki amerykańskiej w 2013 „Ad Reinhardt: Painter-as-Writer” –pierwsza laureatka nagrody spoza Ameryki Północnej i Europy Zachodniej;
maj 2014 - grant Terra Foundation for American Art Academic Program na organizację międzynarodowej konferencji "Wordstruck: American Artists as Readers, Writers and Literati"
maj 2018 - Painter’s Word: Thomas Hart Benton, Marsden Hartley and Ad Reinhardt as Writers nominowana do nagrody Georgia O’Keeffe Museum Research Center Book Prize
2022 - grant NCN MINIATURA 5 na projekt "Intelektualizm i antyintelektualizm w wypowiedziach i pismach amerykańskich modernistów"
Painter’s Word: Thomas Hart Benton, Marsden Hartley and Ad Reinhardt as Writers. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2016.
Kiedy malarz pisze (jak się patrzy). Wstęp do badań nad pisarstwem artystów.UMCS, 2021.
Publications in books:
“‘We simply help people to say what they should say anyway’: Art and Politics in Post-WWII America,” in American Freedoms, American (Dis)Orders, ed. Zbigniew Lewicki (Warsaw: University of Warsaw Press, 2005), 81-90.
“A Rebel Without a Pose: The Artist According to Thomas Hart Benton,” in Conformity and Resistance in America, ed. Jacek Gutorow and Tomasz Lebiecki (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007), 284-293.
“Thomas Hart Benton’s Personal Recovery of American History,” in British and American Literature and Culture Conference Proceedings, ed. Piotr Skurowski and Mirosław Aleksander Miernik (Warsaw: University of Warsaw Press), 61-68.
“Verbi-visual Contexts in 20th-century American Painting,” in (Mis)reading America. American Dreams, Fictions and Illusions, ed. Jerzy Durczak and Paweł Frelik (Cracow: Universitas, 2011), 415-28.
“‘Ideas freed from events that brought them into being’: Jasper Johns’s Use of History,” in The American Uses of History: Essays on Public Memory, ed. Tomasz Basiuk, Sylwia
Kuźma-Markowska and Krystyna Mazur (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2011), 31-40.
“Brushed off Words: On Artists’ Writings,” in Visions and Revisions: Studies in Literature and Culture, ed. Grzegorz Czemiel et al. (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2015), 241-48.
“American Anti-intellectualism and Artistic Creativity: Some Observations on the ‘Dumbing’ of America at the Onset of the New Millennium.” Exhaustion and Regeneration in Post-Millennial North-American Literature and Culture, red. J. Nikiel, I. Kimak. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2019, s. 163-172.
“Gender (według) Georgii O’Keeffe: (cudzy) obraz a (własne) słowo artystki,” Płeć awangardy, red. A. Kałuża, M. Baron-Milian, K. Szopa. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2019, s. 289-303.
“On the Necessity to Poetize Sensations in Order to Comprehend Them: Marsden Hartley as a Writer.” Marsden Hartley: The Earth Is All I Know of Wonder, ed. Lærke Rydal Jørgensen and Mathias Ussing Seeberg. Denmark: Narayana Press and Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2019, s. 76-89. (również w wersji duńskiej)
"Authoritatively Her/Self: Georgia O’Keeffe’s Life Writing." Text and Image in Women's Life Writing, red. Valérie Baisnée-Keay, Corinne Bigot, Nicoleta Alexoae-Zagni, Stephanie Genty et Claire Bazin. Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, s. 77-97.
Publications in periodicals:
“Echoes of the John Cage Year in Poland – Publications,” Akcent 4 (2012): 198-201. (in Polish)
“Reading Ad Reinhardt in Poland,” Brooklyn Rail, special Ad Reinhardt centenary issue, December (2013), 132.
“Ad Reinhardt: Painter-as-Writer,” American Art 3, Fall (2014), 104-125.
“W poszukiwaniu centrum – stolice kulturalne nowożytnego świata. Część pierwsza: europejska perspektywa historyczna,” Akcent 3 (2016): 34-46. [co-authored with Jerzy Kutnik]
“W poszukiwaniu centrum – stolice kulturalne nowożytnego świata. Część druga – amerykańskie korzenie posthistorycznego myślenia o sztuce,” Akcent 4 (2016): 17-29. [co-authored with Jerzy Kutnik] “Nowa odsłona. Muzea i galerie sztuki w Europie Środkowej,” Akcent 4 (2016): 154-159.
“She Did Know a Few Things: Georgia O’Keeffe as an Intellectual,” Polish Journal for American Studies 11 (2017): 41-58.
“Man Ray ≠ Marcel Duchamp,” Nowa Dekada Krakowska 6 (2017): 75-84. [co-authored with Jerzy Kutnik]
“She Did Know a Few Things: Georgia O’Keeffe as an Intellectual.” Polish Journal for American Studies 11 (2017): 41-58.
“Georgia O’Keeffe – kobieca twarz awangardy,” Akcent 2 (2018)
“Gender (według) Georgii O’Keeffe: (cudzy) obraz a (własne) słowo artystki,” Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich -- The Problems of Literary Genres 61/2 (2018): 51-62.
“Warto spojrzeć przez inne okno. Po lekturze antologii Piotra Sommera,” Akcent 156 (2019): 184-190. (with Jerzy Kutnik)
Conference papers:
“‘We simply help people to say what they should say anyway’: Art and Politics in Post-WWII America,” presented at the annual conference of the Polish Association for American Studies, Warsaw, Poland, 2004.
“A Rebel without a Pose: The Artist According to Thomas Hart Benton,” “Conformity and Resistance in America,” the annual conference of the Polish Association for American Studies, Kamien Slaski, Poland, 2005.
“‘How American Is It?’: Thomas Hart Benton’s Social History of the United States,” presented at the “Narratives in American Art” conference, Freie Universitat, Berlin, Germany, 2007.
“Thomas Hart Benton's Personal Recovery of American History,” presented at the “British and American Literature and Culture Conference,” Warsaw University, Warsaw, 2007.
“‘Ideas freed from events which brought them into being’: Jasper Johns’s Use of History,” presented at the annual conference of the Polish Association for American Studies, Warsaw, 2008.
“Verbi-visual Contexts in 20th-Century American Painting,” “(Mis)reading America. American Dreams, Fictions and Illusions,” presented at the annual conference of the Polish Association for American Studies, Puławy, 2009.
“Artistic Responses to World War II and the Cold War in the Works of John Cage and Jasper Johns,” presented at the “Artist Under the Microscope” conference, Ustinov College, University of Durham, Durham, United Kingdom, 2009 (with Jerzy Kutnik).
“Artistic Responses to Fin-de-Siècle Decadence in the Work of Marsden Hartley and Thomas Hart Benton,” presented at the “Transatlantic Decadence in Art and Literature” conference, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 2010 (with Jerzy Kutnik).
“A Painting Should Not Mean but Be: Ad Reinhardt’s Dialectics of Text and Image,” presented at the “American Imagetext” conference, School of American Studies, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom, 2011 (with Jerzy Kutnik).
“Marsden Hartley’s Portrait of a German Officer: (Be)speaking the Unutterable,” presented at the “War in the Visual Arts” conference, University of Cork, Cork, Ireland, September 13, 2013 (with Jerzy Kutnik)
“Ad Reinhardt’s Writings,” presented at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC, October October 29, 2013.
“Brushed off Words: On Artists’ Writings,” presented at the PASE “Visions and Revisions” conference, UMCS, Lublin, April 7-9, 2014.
“Modernistyczny (wielo)głos Marsdena Hartleya [Marsden Hartley’s Modernist Polyphony],” presented at the “Amerykański modernizm. Kultura wizualna i refleksja estetyczna” [American Modernism: Visual Culture and Aesthetic Thought]” conference, Department of Art History, AMU, Poznań, April 25, 2015.
“‘Calling things by their right names’: Thomas Hart Benton as Raconteur,” presented at the “Wordstruck: American Artists as Readers, Writers and Literati” conference, MCSU, Lublin, May 13 – May 16, 2015.
“Marsden Hartley as Writer: Or If Words Could Pour off the Paint Brush,” presented at the 4th
Annual International Conference in Paragone Studies, Flint Institute of Arts, Flint, MI, September 17 – 19, 2015.
“Misread on Her Own Turf: Georgia O’Keeffe in the Stieglitz Circle,” presented at the 5th
Annual International Conference in Paragone Studies “Rivalry in the Arts,” Manchester, September 22 – 24, 2016.
“From Values and Standards to ‘Anything Goes’: A (Modernist Look at Art in the New
Millennium,” presented at ExRe(y): Spaces of Expression and Repression in Post-Millennial North-American Literature and Visual Culture, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, April 7-8, 2016.
“She Did Know a Few Things: Georgia O’Keeffe as an Intellectual,” presented at Texts 6, KUL, Lublin, May 19, 2017.
“The American Artist and the Lure of Popular Appeal: A Historical Perspective,” presented at Media w Ameryce, Ameryka w Mediach, UMCS Lublin, May 25-26, 2017.
“Frank Lloyd Wright’s Words of Action and Design,” presented at PAAS Performing America, Uniwersytet Szczecinski, October 18-20, 2017.
“Gender (według) Georgii O’Keeffe: (cudzy) obraz a (własne) słowo artystki,” presented at Płeć Awangardy, UŚ Katowice, October 25-27, 2017.
“Frank Lloyd Wright: A Postmodern Modernist / A Modern Postmodernist,” presented at Texts 7, KUL, Lublin, December 1, 2017.
“Man Ray ≠ Marcel Duchamp,” presented at Marcel Duchamp ׀ Inframince i dalej, UJ Kraków, November 22-23, 2017. [with Jerzy Kutnik]
“American Anti-intellectualism and Artistic Creativity: Some Observations on the ‘Dumbing’ of America at the Onset of the New Millennium,” presented at ExRe(y):Exhaustion and Regeneration in Post-Millennial North American literature and Visual Culture, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, May 10-11, 2018.
“Minding the Gap: Intellect and Emotion in American Painting,” presented at Annual PAAS Conference Challenging America, American Challenges. Culture, Society, Politics, University of Łódź, Łódź, October 24-26, 2018.
“Georgia O’Keeffe: When an Artist Is Not a Man,” presented at [Re]Presentations of America 2, UMCS, Lublin, November 9, 2018.
“‘A feeling imbecile’: The American Artist and the Question of Intellect,” presented at TEXTS 9. Literary and Cultural Studies Conference, KUL, Lublin, December 7, 2018.
“‘Is he the greatest living painter in the United States?’: American Art and Media Stereotyping,” presented at Media in America, America in Media, UMCS, Lublin, May 23-24, 2019.
“Nie/anty-polityczne konteksty wczesnej amerykańskiej awangardy,” 3xP. Polityczne konteksty awangardy (1918-1968). Państwo/Awangarda, UMCS, Lublin, June 17-18, 2019. (with Jerzy Kutnik)
“From Explosions and Fireworks to Restrained Silence: On the Poeticity of Robert Motherwell’s Art and Thought,” presented at Annual PAAS conference: The Sound of Silence in American Literature, Culture and Politics, University of Opole, Opole, October 23-25, 2019.
“’If it were the eye that solely was to satisfy…’: Marsden Hartley and the Indispensability of Words,” invited lecture at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Symposium: Pathways to Hartley, Humblebaek, Denmark, December 6, 2019.
“Overexposed, Underexposed: Georgia O’Keeffe’s Strategies Against Seeing Less Than Half the Picture,” keynote lecture, UMCS, Lublin, At the Crossroads: Narratives of the Excluded, September 24-25, 2020.